(no subject)

Oct 05, 2006 23:52

i have been tagged by alabadore.

Write a journal entry for this meme with six random facts about yourself.
Then pick six of your friends list and tag them - no tag backs.
These rules should be included in your entry.

1. "it's a girl!" my mother had an out-of-body experience when i was born (c-section), and there was a total eclipse of the sun when my parents brought me home from the hospital. in the womb, i was face up with my hand on top of my head and my foot in my armpit; turns out that my mom had a life-threatening tumor that no one would have noticed if i had gone ahead and been born the natural/normal way.

2. when i was about 6 years old, i saved a bee with a blue stripe from drowning in richmond lake, and ever since then, bees and i have had an understanding with one another.

3. late last month, i bought 12 packages of fig newmans (a case) all at once, and about 10 minutes after making the purchase, i announced that i had already consumed 1/36th of them.

4. i sent my dad a book titled 365 ways to cook hamburger for his birthday this year (september 30th), inscribing on the inside flyleaf something along the lines of, "this should hold you over until your next birthday!"

5. i had my first drink of alcohol, a guinness extra stout (jason's favourite), on the evening of thursday, february 16th, 2006, just a few days shy of my 27th birthday. i found it to be totally overrated.

6. i wore the same dress to my middle school graduation, my high school graduation, and my college graduation. and i still have it and fit in it, too, should i decide to go for my masters or doctorate.

I tag...
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