Jun 07, 2010 12:56
So, currently the Southwest is undergoing a heat wave with temperatures in the hundreds. Here in South Florida temperatures are averaging in the mid nineties, but with heat indexes 105-110. That's hot. That's not only hot, but disgustingly hot, hot like the armpit of hell. When Arizona is really hot it is like the broiler of hell, but here it is like a slow cooker, or maybe a pressure cooker, something really steamy. But both pressure cookers and crock pots at least smell good while they steam you alive, Clewiston still smells like sugar processing. So all I can think of is the devil's armpit, or perhaps inside the devil's gym shoes. Stifling, hot, smelly, and generally miserable.
On a brighter note, I picked half a gallon of elderberries yesterday! (leaving the house at 6:00am in order to get them before it got too hot to be outside, which was about 7:00am) There will be much making of jam.