So I had my last ultrasound today! I was supposed to have one more next month, but the doctor said everything was looking really good and that I don’t need anymore. Whoo hooo…. I’ll miss seeing her face one more time, but it will be soon enough. They saw that her head was very low so they had to check to see if she was in the canal for birth and luckily she wasn’t. The doctor did move my due date to around January 20th! It was around Feb. 3rd, but she says I have about 5 weeks left and not 7. I think because of her size, she thinks she’s going to come faster than expected. Zoe weighs about 5 pounds 7 ounces right now. We’re expecting to have an 8-9 pound baby. Here’s a shot of her little chubby cheek face. (Those cheeks are soooo chubby!)