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milky_haven April 2 2012, 06:06:04 UTC
Your gushing compliments!!! I'm practically glowing and swelling effusively right now! *smooshycuddlesyou*

Loki is completely and utterly adorable especially when he's being hopelessly infatuated with Thor but trying so damn hard to not let those feeling effect him much! Plus, pretending to keep a piece of Thor (letters!) shows how much his world is basically revolves around his golden Prince.

And the next part!!! I'm having more fun writing it because there is just too many things happen and it will lead to the ending of the story hence, THE SEQUEL! I'm so excited that I'm cursing at RL for taking me away from writing! Damn I have Pharm Chem test tomorrow but I DON'T CARE I STILL GOING TO WRITE FOR ONE MORE HOUR (OR SO)! XD

When I started writing this story, I already planned to write Infinity fic not more than 10k. Even telling my readers and promise to myself that this will be a short story. Heck, it is supposed to be a FREAKIN ONESHOT. But the current word count for now is 17k! I broke my promise and end up breeding more monstrous bunnies for this story! I swear the sequel will be less than 10k!!!



nimielle April 2 2012, 09:34:18 UTC
Bwahahaha! Mission accomplished! But BB, it's trueeeeeeeeeee!! It is a wonderful story! <3 if I wasn't working on my femmefest right now, I'd be stalking your other fic writing efforts! :D

(oh and I forgot earlier, while H/D is my otp, I also ship Albus Severus/Scorpius pretty hard)

@Loki, yessssss!!!! Exactly! And I love how meticulous he is about it too! Like the letters are probably all folded super neatly and there is not a crease on them, I also imagine Loki sitting there, stroking the paper absentmindedly thinking about how Thor touched this and then suddenly realising what he is doing and pretending to just flatten and straighten them, even though are they are perfectly straight anyway. :D

LMAO! *squishes you* I'm late for work and you neglect uni/school work! XD what a team we make! XD

*bounces up and down* Now I'm giddy and excited tooooo!! *lol* I want to read it like RIGHT NOW! XD I managed to be patient between part I+II of this fic, so I can be patient for the ending and then the sequel... also I'm totally lying to both of us right now! XD

*feeds the plot bunnies* *whistles innocently* ;)

*hides brain behind her back* XD It was incredibly exhausting, hence the other fic going so slowly, I spent about a month editing that thing and just, wow! *lol* *ish dead* I don't think I've ever put that much effort into anything ever. It's basically a big bang, it's even got art! :D BTW, when I started it, I was like "yeah, this'll be long-ish, maybe 25K... Bwahahahahahahaha!"


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