OOC: Lesbian porn ahead!

Apr 13, 2007 00:59

The following is a lesbian porn scene. It's NC-17. It's lesbians. If this offends you, don't click on the link!

It's also a rough draft. So weird sentence structure and spelling mistakes ahead.

The girls don't see her right away. Without thinking, without seeing her, they shift out of her path. One of the girls turns her head after she disappears back into the crowd, not knowing what it was she just saw. Out of the corner of her eye it looked like a wolf searching amongst the sheep for the right prey. Without knowing why, she leaves her friends to enter the press of bodies, awkwardly dancing with the music.

It isn't until a small hand brushes back stray hairs stuck to her neck that she remembers about the predator in human clothing. She turns suddenly, surprised when she has to look down to look into amused lupine eyes. The hand touches her lips softly, then trail down to scratch her exposed shoulders. She shivers as a small smile curves the girl's lips. The wolf brushes nearly colorless hair away from her prey's face, pressing her darker chest into her. A soft kiss, the gesture barely keeping her from devouring the girl shivering against her.

They dance for a while, dark hands possessively grabbing her food's hips. They dance and she has to hold onto the shorter girl to keep her legs from folding from under her. The wolf knows, and tastes her skin constantly, licking a line down her neck. Her hands move further down, brazenly holding her ass in the middle of the smokey dance floor. There is a sharp, sweet pain - teeth nipping at her throat in a display of dominance. She moans, just barely noticing when her back hits the wall.

The wolf forces her head to tilt back, her lips a sudden contrast to the deadly weapons hidden behind them. She touches all of her, and none of her, keeping her teeth and claws barely sheathed. Her small hand rubs a breast, pinching through the thin fabric. The other hand tangles in her hair, tugging her head back further with gentle and irresistible force. Briefly, her teeth are revealed, scraping at the skin just above the collar.

She is being devoured slowly. Her hands manage to come up, holding onto muscular arms for support. Without meaning to, her hips buck as the tiny hand in her hair pulls harder, almost in warning. Her moan goes unnoticed in the thundering music as a hand slips under her shirt. The hand finds a nipple, rock hard against the fabric, and pinches hard. Combined with a wet tongue exploring the marks left by sharp teeth, she barely can stand, even with the other girl holding her up.

The touch between her legs surprises her. She is wearing undergarments, a barely-there pair meant to not ruin the line of her skirt without losing her modesty. But she feels overdressed now, the soft curses spat out by the predator before her shivering against her skin instead of reaching her ears. The small hand flattens against her, causing her to jump as the heel rubs expertly against her clit. She looks down at the human wolf, surprised at the hunger behind her eyes being slowly sated as she rubs her harder. Her fingers push aside the thin fabric as the other hand loosens in her hair, sliding down to grip her neck in an inhuman grasp. The fingers enter her slightly, teasingly as her deadly lips kiss her. They slide in further with time, only going deeper when her prey's lips forms the word "more."

Against the wall, she arches her back and sways her hips back and forth. The music pounds in her blood, jarring against the rhythm of her heart and the fingers sliding out of her pussy. She chokes out a curse as the fingers fuck her, eyes closing each time she "lets" her palm grind against her clit. It's torture, the way she is kept expertly at the edge without falling over.

A kiss draws blood suddenly, the fangs biting down on soft skin. The sharp pain combined with a strange and sudden lapse of control bring her over the edge, and she comes hard. She barely remembers a tongue lapping up the spill of blood apologetically, and the hand smoothing the fabric back over her wet pussy. When she opens her eyes, she sees the wolf disappear past the doors, leaving behind her exhausted prey for the scavengers.
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