Arthur Dent as Bilbo Baggins? SOOOOO PERFECT. Bilbo Baggins is now going to be the cutest, wittiest little hobbit EVAR. <3 <3 <3 <3 Peter Jackson, you are a genius.
...Jaws could've been a lot shorter. :D <3 <3 <3
Hahaha! I drew this at work and couldn't remember what the actors looked like. I just remember Richard Dreyfuss had glasses. ^o^
-Did I ever mention I love animation/Disney/cartoons?? Well...I've been trying to get into an animation school. I just reapplied having been turned down at the start of summer. Here's hoping! *crosses fingers and toes*
-The Vampire Diaries was a-MA-ziiiiiiiinnngggg!! :D omg. Crying!Stefan breaks my heart. :C Next week looks awsumly awsum. <3 <3 <3 Cannot wait.