Jun 09, 2005 00:14
A guy named Mike
He told me he loved me
is it true or not i ask myself
I love him..when i am with him i am
happy..i feel like nothing could go wrong.
i ask myself is that wat i should be feeling?
it could be or it couldn't
i will never know..
He is Great..I love him..i would have kids with him
And marry him..
I know a lot to commit to but
HE is the one..
I cry when i think of him...
And i don't know why..
wow random thoughts dont make since..
Wow..Elena wrote me a letter
And i come to tears
Why is this? i dont know..
just like everything else i dont know why
she is a good friend and she deserves a lot
a good familly when she gets older
A husband who will love her for who she is
a good job that she enjoys and makes a good lving by it
Friends that are there for her when she needs them
elena deserves a lot more than other ppl..
and i have my reasons why..yep
Would that be letting me be taken advantage of if i wanted it too?
LIfe is gay sometimes....
I love rachil
if she didnt come to my school this yr.
i wouldnt have made it
ahh wat would school and my LIFE be without her..
i love her a lot<33
CAmeron AnGela <33