Hello everyone and happy Halloween!!! As a Halloween treat, I've decided to post another update just to confirm that I do in fact plan on resuming posting this someday. I'm not sure when the next one after this will be- I have some housekeeping stuff to work on but who care's about that right now!
Also I know the header says 4.4 but it is 4.3. I was too lazy to open photoshop back up but I'll fix it later 👍🏻
Refresh on the last
main update first! Now, let's begin
Wow, what did I miss?
So I know the rules for this gen (that I WROTE) specifically state that the heir can only have a job in certain career paths and this is not one of them
However I’d forgotten about that at the time and unfortunately at this point in my gameplay it’s way too far past the point of return so there’s nothing I can do about it *shrug* Belle’s a relic liberator and that’s that on that
Big Doug: Can I have attention..pls?? C:
Aw look at Big Doug not being evil for once
Ah. Well...good luck with that
Sprig, if you hate Finn so much all of a sudden, then why are you in our kitchen getting drunk!
Sprig: Oh precious Coconut Latte, how I've missed you so
Ah. This makes more sense
Damn, no one wants to talk to Geneva today
Everybody come get a load of Belle's new dumbass outfit
She's so cool and strong probably she can push the rock
See uwu
I love that Mia and Gabe ended up being the same age
Happy birthday, my babies
Oh. Congrats too, Belle, I guess
Pleasure/Popularity | LTW: Athletic Career
+ Underwear & Blonde Hair | - Formal
Pleasure/Popularity | LTW: Gamer Career
+ Cologne & Mechanical | - Full Face Makeup
Light: Welp I hope no one minds me jumping rope right in the middle of the kitchen
What happened to that tailbone huh -_-
Mia: Aw look at how cute
Mia: So what do you think of me?
I'm sure Coconut Latte misses Sprig just as much as he misses her (him? I forget)
I'm not sure I've ever actually seen a sim roll this want before :O
Mia: Aw shit, here I go
Mia: I'm getting paid this seems good
Gabe: Good job being a rapper
You two are taking up the whole upstairs hallway, you know
Geneva is sick of their shit too
Everyone come get a load of Belle's new dumbass outfit
Please no. I'm not strong enough
Gabe: Oh yeah, I love this song
Gabe is Mia's number one fan in everything she does
Gabe: I don't know you but I don't like you
Get his ass!!
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Mia: Hmm I wonder if there’s anything new in this magazine that’s been sitting in my house for several weeks
Her and that damn chair…also I recall thinking that there was a pizza on the cover. I now see that it’s a lizard. Please do not ask how I mixed up pizza and a literal fucking lizard because I do not know
Anyways! It's time to take the family ~clubbing~
Cameron's getting left behind again but he seems pretty happy with the deadly train set so I wouldn't worry about him
Unfortunately Belle didn’t feel it was necessary to put on clothes before going out. Or maybe that is fortunate idk what y’all are into
As you can see this club is absolutely poppin’ off with no DJ booth and all
Belle: WAHOO a lack of music won't stop me from having a good time!
I'm just glad she's happy :')
You know when you and your mom and your grandpa all go to a dead silent nightclub and then you try to punch the shit out of said grandpa? That’s normal, right
Oh no, they’ve found whatever the hell this fucking thing is called
This club was a bust. Let's go to the park instead
Gabe: Well if I can’t play on a life threatening machine at a club then at least I’ll start a fire
May as well have a little snack while we're at it
Belle: I'm having the most fun in my entire life
The unsupervised fire in the background…Belle inevitably about to slip off a log and god damn die…pure art
Day: I'm gonna jump all over the bed cause no one is here to tell me no
Maybe we shouldn't have left the twins alone with Cameron's "supervision"
Now this was an unexpected twist
Look at this little old lady
Mia: Oh matchmaker, please bring me a lovely date!
You bastard. Turn around and look at Mia right now
Mia: Maybe I can catch his attention with the fantastical dance!
Unfortunately, I think it's more likely you'll just scare him away
Do you see?
Day: Wow, turns out jumping rope in three feet of snow is not very easy
Wow shocker...who could have thought....
Belle: Hello everyone I am home!!
She brought a PENGUIN home
Oh shit, Mia's getting wild in her teen years
Mia: Hehe I'm so talented and cool
Author’s note: the continuity of these images would imply she snuck out and juggled some cups but it’s just another family outing /author’s note
Finn: Check this shit out old lady
Finn, honey, can you please move and let the bartender do his job
Mia: Oh yeah, fucking strike!
Pretty good night for Mia!
Finn: I don't know how to sing why am I doing this
Dance for me monkey, dance
I can’t think of a caption to do this image justice but I love it so much I couldn’t leave it out. I’m going to print it out and frame it and hang it above my bed
Mia's turn!
Lady With A Weird Haircut: I don't know what's going on but I'll get in on this
You guys probably could have sat at the same table, you know
You bastard
Photo taken moments before disaster struck
Gabe: Oh no, I've been shot
Gabe: This is the most pain I've ever been in in my entire life
Like...on an emotional or physical level?
Gabe: Oh no why did I think this would be a good idea
:| Clearly we've not learned our lesson
Oh now they big angry
RIP Gabe. They had a good run
Gabe: Maybe if I can solve this puzzle then I'll figure out why things keep going wrong
If you can't tell, they just broke the computer
It's the weekend so what better time to try and force the family to become friends
Mia: Hello, little cousin, would you like to talk about aliens
Gabe: She's so good at conversation
I, for one, would love to talk to Mia about aliens
Day: Ta-da! Aren't I great
Can someone help Tato, he's looking a little lost back there
Pandora: Fuck my mom. I need a drink
Well this was a nice get together
Alright now what in the god damn hell is going on here
It's time to scatter once more
Gabe: Wow who knew such cute girls would be at the mall
I think cute girls can typically be found at malls and such. You can usually find me at barnes & noble or starbucks
Annalise: UM NO. Do NOT talk to me while I'm at work
No, that's fair
She didn't wanna hang out later either. Gabe did not make a good first impression at all
Mia: I just know someone's been reading my magazine without my permission. Time to get to the bottom of this
Technically it's Cameron's magazine but sure whatever
Either way he and Gabe have an alibi, being outside looking at space and shit
Mia: HRMPH. Still not a single decent meal around here
Cameron: Idk I kinda like the canned beverage
Mixed reviews on this morning's breakfast
Hat Man: The world will lose all meaning now without Big Doug
I think this is the most distraught anyone's ever been about any death in the family
RIP Big Doug :( He was a big ol' asshole but a good boy nonetheless <3
Brief intermission for a cute photo of Finn. Thank you for your time
You'd really think everyone would be used to ghosts by now
Mia: Hey would you like to sneak out with me later tonight?
Way to be secretive about it, Mia
Somehow he was convinced though
Cherry: Is anyone else concerned about Day being stuck in the counter?
I hear you girl, loud and clear
Where the FUCK did you get a limo
And why are you getting in the back! This is going to be the most awkward car ride in history good god
Gabe: You would not believe what I hear Pandora did
Genevea: Omg spill
These little brats
I honest to god do not rememeber the context for this
The downfall of the pussy slayers came before they even got a start, what a shame, truly
Belle: I'll make this phone call if I must but I'm not standing anywhere near that thing
I guess that's fair
Surprise! We're calling the grim reaper and asking him to bring us some Chinese food
YES we're getting 5 star Chinese tonight, babey
Cashew: Oh yeah, this is good
Cashew: Hehehe my reign of chaos continues
Watch out world, the ultimate bastard is back
Belle gets it
...really showing the world who's boss there, king
Belle: Grandma...
Taffy: Why am I here I was enjoying being dead
So here's the thing. I was finally able to get all my tombstones back except for Taffy and Cashew for some reason. So I figured the only way to get them back was to resurrect them and then just...kinda...wait for them to die again. Grim, but, that's what the situation is
Well, I'm glad this seems to be a well received decision amongst the household at least
Unfortunately everyone was so hyped about their return they straight up danced all through the school day. Notice how Day was the only one not in the party and thus the only one who made it to school today :|
Happy halloween everyone! I hope you're having a good and spooky day OooOooohh~~
So. Like I said in the intro, idk when I'll post the Velvet's again, but starting
a new legacy has me really missing them so I thought since Halloween is my favorite holiday, I'd post an update. Treat for me and you. I do plan on continuing to post our friends though- it might be occassional and sporadic or maybe I'll get back to a regular schedule I'm really not sure yet. The Velvets are just so chaotic I end up with so many screenshots and then updates take forever to write. It tires me out. So they may get shorter in the future and there will just be more of them. Like I said- I don't have a plan yet but I didn't want anyone to think I gave up on them! I've still been playing the family actually and taking screenshots the whole time- currently we're about halfway through with gen seven so I have a lot to catch you guys up on :')
Thank you for reading! I'll see you next update ♡