Title: Color for Me
mookyoGenre: (attempted at) crack
Warnings: lame english, unbeta-ed mistakes
Rating: PG
Pairings/Characters: Onew/Key (Jinki/Kibum)
Disclaimer: Not own.
Synopsis: Frustrated, Onew decides to ask opinion from his members.
Word Count: 400
Comments: ...i think my english has worsen :( idek ummmmmm. this fails, i'm sorryyyy.
“So, for ‘Love Like Oxygen’ activities, the five of you will choose a color you think suits yourself the best or you love the most.” )
Comments 2
And since then, green and pink is the official parental color.
HIMEEEE ~~~ ♥♥ boleh aku quote di journal ga? kalimatnya bagus ;A;
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