Title: No for Tonight
mookyoGenre: attempt at crack
Warnings: lame english, unbeta-ed mistakes
Rating: PG-13
Pairings/Characters: Yunho/Changmin if you squinted really hard.
Disclaimer: Not own.
Synopsis: His grin soon faded as he reads the familiar writing of Jaejoong on the paper.
Word Count: 268
Comments: my first dbsk fic! please comment and be nice. :3
The alarm clock on the nightstand shows 01.05 am. Shim Changmin wakes up from his peaceful sleep, rubbing his eyes lazily. He makes sure that his roommates are still in their dream land before he finally makes his way out of the bedroom.
Silently walking in the dark hallway, Changmin tries not to wake the others up with any sound he makes. He then turns and takes the familiar way that leads to his -their- workroom. As soon as he reaches his destination, Changmin quickly gets in to the room and locks the door. He takes a sit on the comfortable chair in front of his computer, grinning widely.
But when he is about to turn his computer on, a white paper that’stuck on to the monitor catches his attention. He takes it and tries hard to read it in the darkness. His grin soon faded as he reads the familiar writing of Jaejoong on the paper.
Dear our little Changminnie,
Hyungdeul strictly forbid you to watch any porn tonight!
We'll do a performance in the morning so we want you to take a full rest ^^
Please come back to your bed soon after you read this message ^^
or Jaejoong hyung will not cook your favorite breakfast~~
p.s. : stupid Leader Jung is being stupid that he thinks he can't satisfy you anymore when you keep watching porns behind his back~
with love,
And so Changmin quickly makes his way back to his bed and falls asleep again.
If he can’t watch it on his computer he can watch it in his dream, can’t he?