Aug 01, 2006 23:44
Going without internet for more than a month in my own house is not healthy. You have no idea just how horrible those library computers are. It's crappy, uberly slow, laggy-moused, ftp-less, aim-less, timed, etc. Well, one hour is actually quite plenty, but it's really annoying how the computer lags and the timer doesn't. >__>;; Though, I really do hate DSL.. and ATnT. One of their workers came yesterday and somehow disconnected our main phone line. Sooo, our internet is currently only connected to my mom's laptop in my sister's room. Gah.
But nonetheless, internet is internet, soo.... WOOT~~~!!!!! ^__^
Now I can start catching up on stuff, starting with installing SmartFTP here on my mom's laptop. I'm so sorry for neglecting you, Rain Song. *pat pat* XP