Jun 25, 2007 23:42
Well, now I'll talk about how I feel about this whole rejection business. Don't worry, it's nothing crazy. I'm actually relieved about it, to be completely honest. The thing that upset me the most about that email was that they addressed me by my first name only, that doesn't show like... professional respect. My last name, Miss Alina, something like that at least. It's too casual otherwise. Hell, I don't know that lady, I'm not going to send her a letter and address her as Karen or whatever. Oh well, it's really not a big deal.
The thing I feel the worst about is having spent all that money at Iowa State for art supplies, housing, food, etc... I bet my parents are disappointed, even if they are being supportive. That's my real only regret, letting them down. The only thing that makes me think, "I wish I could have done better," is when I have them in mind. But really, I don't feel so bad about it if I don't think about them. Hell, I tried. That's all I can really do and I did my best. Well, I suppose that grade-wise I didn't do my best, but content-wise it was all there. It's my fault, I mean, the GPA was 60% of the judging for the graphic design program. I personally think that's bullshit and that it should solely be content based, but I don't run the university and they probably know better. I just wish that if only they'd judge me on something that had to do with graphic design, like the things I can actually do and I'm good at, I would have had a better chance.
Enough about that. Now I have to decide what major to switch to when I transfer to Iowa.
1) English
2) TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language)
3) Art something (I could continue to pursue graphic design with a less prestigious major)
I somehow feel that the CORE program at Iowa State sucked out my love for art classes. The whole time I was in those things I HATED them. I hated the teachers; I hated how pretentious and snobby they were, like the fact that their program is good went to their head and they're completely full of it. The whole time I took Design 102 I was either angry or COMPLETELY apathetic because I could care less about making shit out of paper and building doorways. Fuck that, I kept on thinking. I actually loved Design 131 because that was the drawing course, that actually improved my drawing skills. I feel like I got something out of that class, and possibly because I had the least pretentious teacher in the whole faculty! Seriously, she must have been hired by mistake. Design 183 was a complete joke/waste of time. I hated that class and got nothing out of it. They say you get out what you put in, but really... This was a joke.
So, I may give up design forever. I could see myself becoming an English teacher, I mean, when I think back at it, in high school and even before that, all I wanted to do was become a writer. But I'm better at design than I am at writing, so I felt I should pursue what I was best at instead of what I might like better. Also, you should probably enjoy the classes that are required for your major, right? I mean, I had a lot of fun taking English 105, I loooved that class. I also loved my Anthropology class (and was in love with my teacher, haha). My philosophy class wasn't so bad either. The classes you hate are probably things you should steer away from...