NaNoWriMo: Aw Yeah!

Nov 30, 2010 18:00

Current Word Count: 52,676

It's been a bumpy road, and a bumpy novel. But I made it! 50,000 words in one month.

I started this project with absolutely zero aspirations towards publication. I didn't even plan on coming up with a bit of prose worth sharing, but truthfully I'm actually kind of proud of my rough draft! I'm taking a break in December, but I'm certainly planning on editing the thing in the future. I'm toying with the idea of releasing the whole book at once sometime next year, or maybe weekly serial chapters as editing progresses. The time to beg me not to is now.

There are lots of things that turned out better than I though they would, like how much I ended up liking my leading lady, Valerie. When I first started, she was a little lacking in the personality department, but it developed pretty solidly over time. The same is true of Gregor, who I was worried was going to really annoying me as a cocky son of a gun, but become a solid character with plenty of quirks and weaknesses pretty quickly. Also he made for a great dude in distress near the end there.

Some of the passages I started writing with no clear outline turned out pretty exciting, and I discovered that I really love writing action sequences. There are still tons of stub paragraphs and notes for things that I need to go back and change eventually, but it's great to have so much of the brain-to-paper done. The editing towards a final, coherent draft is going to be a lot of work, but I think I'm up for it.

I've grown so fond of the idea of having a rough-and-tumble creative goal for the month, that I've started a new blog dedicated to such foolish future projects. It came about due to several different merging thoughts I've had recently, and realizing I was going to dominate Nano this year was the catalyst that inspired the solution.

Jack Artist

(If the design of the site annoys you, you are not alone. I'm looking to change it immediately Meh, the new on is ok for now I guess.) I've already posted a few extra excerpts from my story over there, so if you found those entertaining check it out. I also plan on posting a more in-depth look back over there in a day or two. Feel free to bookmark it, but I'll probably put up a notice here whenever a major post goes through over there. This blog will continue to house random junk re: my life.

For the rest of you who pariticpated in NaNo this year, how'd you do?
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