Jul 21, 2004 01:22
0ok s0o kari did'nt c0me yesterday cuz...umm i think it was
cuz her m0m had s0me meeting or s0mething...but umm yea then
she was supposed ta c0me this m0urning instead but i guess n0t.l0lz..s0o im here talkin t0o aShley ((aShley sAng)) -n- jeSsie...yea f0r th0se wh0 d0nt kn0 me,jeSsie,m0nique,aShely have this crew..yea it's called the buTt crew.."ashley sang" is the buTt cRakk -n- the rest 0f us are the the buTt cheekz.haHaha but yea th0se are wut kind 0f friends i have..i l0ve it.heHe...
0ok s0o n0w the wh0le st0ry wit Charlie..f0r th0se wh0 d0nt kn0 -n- are dying t0 kn0 wut happend...
0ok it all starts wit my friend -nick- called me -n- was lik ey mili i g0ta tel y0u s0mething..-n- i was lik wuts up -n- he tells me that charlie kissed 0ne of my best friends ..-n- i kno its tru f0r 2 reas0ns-but thats an0ther l0ng st0ry--s0o i was lik br0 st0p lyin ,charlie w0uld never d0 that blah blah blah then i g0 0ff to tenesee f0r s0me y0uth trip -n- i c0me back -n- every-1- is askin me if me -n- him have br0ken up -n- im lik n0o..s0o then andrew -n- nick-my friends call me -n- are lik y0 charlie wants t0 break up wit y0u -n- im lik br0 wut in the w0rld happend when i was g0ne we were perfect b4 i left...s0o then im lik wtver imma cal him -n- their lik n0o y0u dnt understand ..y0u guys are 0ver..thats it ..-n- im lik br0 we havent talked in lik 2 weeks wut'r y0u mean wre 0ver...their lik wtver he's ign0ring y0u he's lik av0iding y0u n0w..cuz he's wit this 0ther grl named alisa 0r wtver..-n- im lik br0 que p0co h0mbre..s0o then yea i called my other best friend-m0nique- -n- t0ld her -n- shes lik well y0u kn0 i didnt wana tell y0u but yea that wh0le thing with him kissing le0n0r is tru -n- that julien-charlie's best friend- even said that y0u guys have br0ken up...s0o wtver i was s0o pissed cuz i really th0ught he cared ab0ut me u kno after 4 m0nths y0u think he'd care ab0ut y0u s0oo
i tried callin him -n- he's "never h0me"
s0o yea were lik n0t t0gether anym0re
lik i cried im n0t g0nn lie..i cried f0r lik 4 h0urs but then my firend was lik talkin ta me -n- she's lik y0 he's n0t w0rth y0ur tears..he wasnt even a g0od b0ifriend or wtver s0o yea i havent cried since....s0o yea i think thats enuff f0r t0day...bye l0ve!