May 04, 2005 20:22
ahh tOday was a hOriibLe daiii ..likk i hav'nt hadd such a badd daii in such a lOng timee.lolz..
yah so turns out that becuz of something stupidd that i almost sent to junior lik 2 months agO--aaron read it 'n now he thinks that me 'n juniOr still lik eachotHer which is nOt the case but he thinks it is after readin that dummb text frOm mii fone that i never erasedd ughh.wel wtver im gona try ta talk to him cuz yea it be realliiii nott badd if we started talkin' agenn lol
k well ima go to mi
4 hours later...
hehe aaron called..yah realyy isnt the worst day anymore hehe ;)k ima go to sleep..much love.muahz**
1 'n onlii