Apr 09, 2005 13:52
i'm so madd rite noww.lol im soo dummm.lol
i was there messing with mii LJ and i lik erased my comments thing ughh *takes deep breathe**
k well im tryin ta get tati to fix it but she's not online..
k well anywayss yesterday i went to sunset and then i called up lili so we could go shoping then we met up wit alex n then monique came for a good 2 min. then she had to leave.lol but i had funn.
me n lili went to forever 21 n haha she saw theese hootchie shorts lik no lie it was lik 2 inches long lol so wtver we went to try them on ahahah it was halarious her ass was everywhere.lol..
u kno we took pic.s with my fone:)lol
yah so eddy's bDay is this sunday..HAPPY BIRTHDAYY EDDY!!! lol
wow so, sooo much drama has happend this week nott even funnii..
a whole bunch of drama with chris and karina(likk usuall))lol
cuz chris is seriously lik crazy for her n she liks him too but wtver i dont think she trusts him-which she should cuz she has no reason not to
trust him cuz noo he's nott going out with jennyy lol anywayss
yah so then there was drama yesterday too ugh that was bad..n hte worst part is that it happens all the time lik every month.or every 2 months.it gets tiring after a while but wtver
anyways its amazing how ppl over exagerate things then jump on u for it. n how pppl gang up on u lol its kinda amazing to see how ur relationship really iss with ppl. but anyways she had a dream that i died so she woke up scared and called me.lol
yah so then thats not even all tell me how much it suks ta lik this guy..then he liks ur best friend..u and ur best friend are in a fight..and ur there having her bakk wen ur tlakin to the guy u lik cuz he liks her hten she calls me n decides ta talk to me about him wich hurts even more then i hav ta console her n she's there tellin' me she has mad feeling for him but um she hardly knows him...anyway i'm lik stukk in the middle cuz even tho im still madd at my best friend i still hav to lik hav her bak and i hav ta put in good word for her for the guy she liks (which is also the guy i lik) and im here talking to him saying all this stuff about her that makes him lik her even more n i dont even kno why i do it i think its jus cuz she's my best friend but ugh its so frustrating cuz i lik him aloot but he liks her n she's jus a lost case cuz she changes her mind sooo muchh bro ugh..
k well thats ennuff drama for the week
thats enuff drama ta last the rest of hte month of april actually lol
i wudd sayy ta leave a comment but ritttee i messed it up and now the comment thing isnt there!--good one camila:)!lol
1 'n onlii <3