You're a Sacrificial Suicide

Jun 20, 2010 01:52

He knew it was a bad decision as soon as Flux went missing. There was no end to the paranoia in his mind even before hand. It began the moment he stepped off the base and through the portal into the real world. God. The real world scared him to no end. But no more then what awaited now that he'd joined his team in running for their lives; for the rest of their lives.

Grant was almost convinced it didn't matter. He had his team, and he needed nothing else. They cared about him as a human being and not a tool. He wished so badly not to be a tool. Maybe that was why he finally gave into Mercy and Lauren's persistence.

Persistence meant nothing when he was sent to find Tim. A part of him wondered if he'd taken so long because he didn't want to come back not as a failure but with bad news. He did not fail in tracking things. It didn't matter how far away Flux could have gotten. Grant knew his presence, his feeling, his life force just as much as he knew the back of his hand. And if he couldn't feel it there was only one answer as to his whereabouts. Luckily for him when he came back, his eyes unable to meet that of his teammates and empty handed, he didn't have to say anything.

Like most of the feelings he had Grant was unable to understand the panic he began to feel on a day to day basis. He was regretting leaving the base. He didn't know why it would fix things, but he wanted to go back. No. He needed to go back. He couldn't take this world anymore. First Tim, and then Jon. What was next? Grant didn't have the knowledge or the mindset to keep running. It would be hard to say goodbye so he wouldn't. Or he tried to. The night before they were to relocate to New Jersey he made to leave. He acted no different than normal and took nothing but the clothes on his back. But Lauren managed to catch him before he could escape the parking lot of the motel. He had a horrible feeling that she would. If there was anyone that it was hard to keep things from, it was her. And it was her especially that he could not say goodbye to.

All he could do was hold her one last time and promise that he wouldn't hunt them. They were his team...his family. The heartbroken look she gave him was enough to make him stay but he couldn't. Something was pulling him back to that base. Something he couldn't describe. And Grant hated it.

His return was not without it's punishment, but he was expecting that. What he wasn't expecting was the persistence in trying to beat out of him the location of his team. But Grant had made a promise, and he was no traitor, to his rightful kind anyways. For a month he was able to take the constant beating, the threats, and copious amounts of medication they'd pumped into him. Being on the same dosage of average medication his entire life had increased his endurance against it. It was the new medication that broke him. Apparently those in the labs had been working deligently, even using some extraction from Bravo Three's own mind to put into this new serum. It explained his excessive visits to the clinic. And it also left those under this new drug free of free will, mind, and soul.

So many injections were enough to kill Grant. And so they did. They didn't need him, who they needed, was Hunt. He may as well have been a robot. The only thing pulsing through his mind was the task at hand. Not the fact that the bullets exiting his gun would land into those whom he deemed family. Not that the 'traitors' who he was ordered to eliminate because of their 'danger' were the ones he loved. The medication left no room for emotions; pain, pleasure, fear, or sorrow. They didn't exist anymore.  Hunt didn't think. He couldn't.

He was just a tool after all.

ooc: A kind of 'what if' thing that was bouncing around in my head during finals and I was finally able to spit out tonight. Because Grant refuses to become this in the verses that we play now (and because I don't think I have the heart to play him out like this xD), I thought it would be cool to dwell on his side of what happened.


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