Character Relationships

Sep 10, 2010 01:56

→ A L I S O N ← With the loss of Streak and Sonic, Grant isn't so sure he wants anymore of his teammates to come through to this place. Though he knows that regardless there is danger in either of the worlds he is familiar with. He's glad that Alison is here, she's always friendly and never has anything bad to say. Maybe her cheerful demeanor will be an extra help to pull everyone from their saddened mood. Grant hopes so.

→ C O N N O R ← Grant has always found it easy to be around Slick, and none of that has changed since coming to Paradise. He was the first of the team present to find him, and the most excited to see him, and that of course makes him happy. After speaking with him about what he had done in a time frame that they hadn't come from, and Connor holds no ill will towards him. Not only that but he told him not to feel bad about it and that he trusts him. He couldn't ask for a better form of understanding and is truly grateful to Connor for that. Grant only wishes that his friend was a little less self destructive in the form of continuous drinking.

→ J A S O N ← At first having Jason angrily relate to him all that had occurred in his own time frame, Grant couldn't help but feel guilty and ashamed. He was confused but he knew Jason wouldn't lie about something like that. It upset him a great deal that their relationship was compromised. That was until Jason 'forgave' him and seemed to sweep everything to the side. Grant is eternally thankful to Jason for doing so. He will continue to follow his commander until the day he dies and will do so happily. When it came time for him to pick between following Jason's order to get to the clinic and to save Lauren, the only reason it was hard for him was more than likely because he doesn't want to disappoint his commander. Grant couldn't care less about his own life in exchange for anyone else's, but he knows this can compromise his commander's trust and that is the last thing he wants.

→ J U S T I N ← Grant isn't exactly thrilled to have Justin here, but he doesn't necessarily not like him (it's too hard to make Grant not like you). He doesn't really care for Justin's attitude or any of the conflict he had with Mercy while they were on base. Even though she attempted to explain it to him, Grant still doesn't really understand. Despite that he'll continue to try and be polite. Their small interaction showed that the other man is capable of being...ok. Grant will still keep an eye on him, just in case.

→ L A U R E N ← As time has past Grant has realized more and more just how much he's come to care for Lauren. It wasn't until she was almost killed during the zombie attack did he truly realize just how much. Having to choose between her and following an order was probably one of the toughest choices in his life. It scared him. But choosing to do something on his own for his own beliefs brought him that much closer to the humanity he seeks out so desperately, as does Lauren. As he told her in the hospital he cares for her more than anything. There's not one negative feeling he shares for her. It bothers him that she doesn't seem to think much of herself and he will try to do his best to convince her how meaningful she is, just as she does for him.

→ M E R C Y ← Without a doubt, Mercy is Grant's very best friend. He feels as though she is the only other person than Lauren who cares for him as a human being and puts fourth a great effort to make him feel like one. While they may be polar opposites in many ends of the spectrum Grant and Mercy share are great deal in common when it comes to passion. It's the one thing he greatly admires her for. She's a very driven and passionate soul about her humanity, standing up for her beliefs, and enjoying her life. All things Grant wishes he could do himself. Not only that, but after risking her life to help save Lauren, and putting her past of him supposedly being a murderer behind her, Grant is forever thankful and in her debt.

→ T E C H ← Grant doesn't know much about Tech. He does know that he was a member of the BDW, has control over technology, and apparently is more socially awkward than he is. But as usual Grant doesn't pass judgment on anyone and will continue to try and interact/help Tech as he would for anyone else.

character relationships

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