Last night I had a dream I was making an LJ post with a Zero Punctuation icon, about how I still lack the ability to form a firm opinion on something.
So here I am, making an LJ post with a Zero Punctuation icon, about how I still lack the ability to form a firm opinion on something.
I've now sat through two sessions of MSTing The Book/Film That Shall Not Be Named (the one with the sparkling vampires everyone is either masturbating or raging about...yeah, you know what I'm talking about) on
this mogulus channel. I won't be doing it again.
I've meaning to make several posts of substance, including thoughts so far on the Tales of Symphonia sequel and the latest Watchmen footage, but by the time I sit down and try to type them up I get an incoherent mess of minimal substance as seen in this post. I don't even know what I'm trying to accomplish in making anything of thicker substance.
By now, this probably sounds like a self-loathing post, but it isn't. Really, I'm doing good. I'm finished with my classes for this semester, got an A in both, and now I'm staying at home for the two-week vacation. Being reunited with your folks, dog, bird, and old life is good.
All I want for Christmas is some Dead Alive (or Braindead; I have to call it Dead Alive because I live in America) icons.