
Jan 15, 2007 10:45

Hello, hello! I am a new member and wish to introduce myself.

I am Jai and I am married to me dear hubby "Demon."
Branch: Air Force
PCSing in: Nebraska-Offutt AFB
Originally from: the fab state of TEXAS!

We are somewhat new to the whole military life (since 2002) -we are "old" newcomers-not the typical 18 or early 20-somethings. This is only our second PSC, our first being Aviano, Italy. (with several TDYs in between) I taught Kuk Sool Won (a Korean martial art) as an assistant instructor at our humble little school on the Aviano base.

We've been married for many years, and we just had our first child in winter 2005.

A difficulty for me is finding common interests with other spouses. Perhaps that is why I am described by most as a nontypical military spouse-ha! Whatever that means! I do not think I had to have a prescribed set of activities and hobbies to be an AF wife-just friendliness and open for new experiences!

Nice to meet you all! *sparkle sparkle*
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