"Верую, ибо абсурдно" по-эскимосски :)

May 09, 2013 20:32

<...> Iglulik Eskimo woman who was known as the foremost keeper of old traditions among her people: "We Eskimos do not concern ourselves with solving all riddles. [In our stories] there is yet enough remaining in the way of incomprehensible happenings, which our thought cannot grasp. If it were but everyday ordinary things, there would be nothing to believe in." She then addressed her interviewer, Knud Rasmussen, as follows: "You always want these supernatural things to make sense, but we do not bother about that. We are content not to understand."

Knud Rasmussen, Intellectual Culture of the Iglulik Eskimos, Report of the Fifth
Thule Expedition, 1921-24, vol. 7, no. 1 (Copenhagen, 1929), p. 69.


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