Streets of Milieux, Saturday Morning and Afternoon

May 12, 2007 08:48

GIR was happy, oh so happy. He trotted through the streets of this funny town with its funny creatures and made sure that everyone else was, too.

Waffles were a good start.

And if waffles didn't do the trick, well, there were other ways of making sure everyone was happy.


He sang The Doom Song to himself and continued his happy-making patrol.


[ooc: Oh yes, GIR's part of the wishverse, yes indeed. If you'd like a surreal, moderately threatening, ultimately quite confusing encounter with an Emo Police sergeant, here he is. He can also be more than moderately threatening if you prefer. Ping me in AIM blackaddernth or drop an OOC note for that.]

wishverse, cat in the hat, weevil navarro, gir, streets, npcs

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