Mar 05, 2008 18:30
Crisis in The Stacks, Part 1 of 2
The plot had been brewing quietly for a long time. Those behind the scheme had been skillful in their circumvention of the guardians' precautions.
And now, Mein Kampf, and the biographies of several Dictators, Conquerers, and some of the vilest villains in the Occult section had taken over the entire non-fiction section. Their grunt troops were assaulting the Fiction Section, while periodicals risked their lives to alert the Guardian.
"Woah, slow down." Connor said, rising and picking up his weapon of choice, his warded baseball bat. "What happened?"
The Journal of Arthur Denison suddenly launched itself from hiding, striking Connor in the stomach, and making him double over. Therefore "A Price Guide of Supernatural Demonic Assasins"'s dive towards his head missed.
"Oh boy."
Welcome to the Mileux Library.
connor reilly,
sora kajiwara,
carson beckett,
nymphadora tonks,