4/3 Morning, Exiting Ferry, Designation New Home

Apr 03, 2007 06:41

It was morning when Angela Dodson slowly drove her black SUV off the ferry before coming to a full stop. Duck was asleep in his carrier in the backseat and all was quiet. Angela took in the sight of the village she would call home. It was a long way from Los Angeles and one John Constantine that was certain. She let out a heavy sigh as she opened the glove compartment to look for the addresses of Mayor's office, the Police Station and her new home.

Decisions, decisions, where too first? she thought looking through her notes.

The village had been a couple of days without any law enforcement and from her vantage everything was looking in order. "Another hour or so won't hurt anything," she said aloud as she shifted gears and headed toward her new home on Danny Street.

"Freshen up, then go to the Mayor's office."

She had to look dreadful after so many hours spent traveling. She didn't care if it made her seem vain, it was very important to her to make the right impression. After all she was there to take up the position of Deputy police officer and she certainly wanted to look the part.

It was only a few minutes before she was pulling up in front of her new house on Danny Street.

"Well Duck, this is it. Home sweet home."

[ooc; Feel free to say hi to her if you'd like. Once again expect some slow play.]

angela dodson, ferry landing, meryl strife

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