Anya arrived at work, wrote up the specials board, and curled up behind the counter with the latest editions of her favorite celebrity tabloids.
Today's Specials
Tuna Salad, Grilled Cheese and Tomato, BLT
Croissants, Assorted Muffins, Double Chocolate Brownies, Gingersnaps
Hawaiian Kona, Columbian, French Vanilla (also Decaf)
Hot Chocolate
Amaretto, Mint, Coconut
listed teas are available hot or iced.)
Free Refills on:
Irish Breakfast
Chai Spice
Darjeeling Green
Chamomile herbal
Orange Spice decaf
Bottled Water
regular, mineral, sparkling, flavored (lemon, raspberry, peach)
[yes I shamelessly copied this from one of Claire's old posts because I'm lazy. Possible slowplay while at work, yadda yadda yadda.]