Empty Storefront, Tuesday afternoon

Jul 24, 2007 13:47

Mark stood in the street and watched with satisfaction as workmen delivered and started to install the counters, freezers and all the other paraphernalia he had identified as important for an ice cream shop.

He was feeling pretty optimistic about this new business venture.  The location seemed auspicious with it's proximity to the park and the school, it seemed like it was always ice cream weather, and if the ever changing staff at the Divine Leaf was any indication, the would be no shortage of local help.  He wondered how many of Pippi's peers would be similarly swayed with offers of sweat equity in lieu of pay.

Musing about what steps to take next, he headed inside to supervise the installation of the observation tank in one wall, only to be summoned back outside to sign for the delivery of the sign.

Bouncing with excitement, he tore the paper away to inspect it.



Swearing profusely he stalked inside to call the sign company.  He knew he should have faxed them the order instead of placing it by phone.

[ooc: open, but play will be EVEN SLOWER THAN USUAL while I'm at work]
[edit: I promised slow play but I never expected double-secret-datacenter-poweroutage-slowplay.  I must be secretly psychic]

kaname chidori, nick angel, pippi longstocking, faith, fletcher tringham, mark vorkosigan, ambrosia

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