Straight From the Faerie's Mouth '09, Class 3

Feb 13, 2009 17:53

"First of all," Tim said with a pained expression. "I have to apologize profusely for again, no class and no notice last week. I had to go pick up our guests for this class, and time is uh, different where they live."

"That and the beautiful blond bombshell here waited till the last minute to pack. So we had to wait on her." said a diminutive but brawny man perched on Tim's desk. He smiled fondly and impishly at the blond woman who was glaring at him.

"Sure and who was it couldn't decide on an outfit?" she retorted.

"I didn't want to dress like a cliche."

"Everythin' ye own is green dear." she smirked.

"Folks this is Teleri the Banshee, and Master Runyon the Luchorpan."

spring 09: faerie's mouth

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