False alarm.

May 24, 2009 10:40

Once again false alarm. That cat is going to be a death of me.

She somehow managed to get a touch of bronchitis on her right side. So between that, a trip to vet in chilly weather and him manhandling her scar, she started to run a bit of high temperature. Not high enough for me to notice, but still high enough that her bones and muscles began to ache.

Now Alisa in not happy. She was given an IV drip - which resulted in a bit of fight - and a couple of shots. I also have to take her to my regular vet for another five days of antibiotic shots. And she is back into protective clothes to stop her from irritating the scar.

[ETA] I just got another idea for her troubles. In last three days weather turned to freezing. And our apartments building chills out easily. And if it is cold enough that my fingers hurt, then it is possible that Alisa is in pain for same reason. And when I took her to vet, I called taxi and hid her in my jacket.

Here she is:

cats and kitties

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