Jun 11, 2007 21:08
OK, so my full-time job is going well. Get to make lots of web sites with this PR firm in NYK. The best part, I get to work at home.
On the side, Lizzie and I need to save, save, save for our house, which we're shooting to have built in the Spring of 2009. Right now, Ryan Homes looks like the best homebuilder for our needs, but we're still looking and learning. We'll go with the best homebuilder we can afford. Plan to go to Homearama soon, get truly inspired. (but will cause wild Mega Millions dreams to afford a house there)
OK, the saving part... all planned out and now working the plan. It's the working the plan that the challenge. So, I got myself a part-time job in the evenings M-F to really build on our house savingsover the next 2 years. This company is great! It's a really huge company that... I kid you not.... also owns Match.com!
Small world we live in indeed. The company that brought me and Lizzie together, I work for now. sigh...
Lots of cool companies this corp owns and great discounts with most of them. I'll let you guys know the companies and details about the discounts. I'll be happy to pass on the saving to you all. But then again, we're saving for a house so we'd better not buy anything. O yea, I gotta work the plan to homeownership.