One more chance to make things right

Oct 14, 2007 22:50

Hey guys,hope you all had a good weekend. Mine was pretty good. I met up with my Dad and my half-sister Saturday. I was a little nervous. Most of you know I never had the greatest relationship with my Father. All the lies he's told me my whole 26 years of life. Never taking responsibility for his actions and how he treated my Mom. He was never a part of my life and that was his doing. Anyway,awhile back I found my other siblings(same Dad,different Mom)and started talking to them. They,esp. my half Sister Tiffany,would tell me how my Dad has changed and to give him a second chance. At first,I wanted no part of it,or him. Mainly because when I got married,I told him I wanted him there,he said he would be. Well,he never showed and since then we haven't spoken. Anyway,I decided after much thought to give him one more chance. I let him know that too. I think the main reason why I gave him a second chance was God. I'm a Christian,and I couldn't ever call myself a true one with hate in my heart. Christians don't hate anyone. So anyway,it was a nice visit. He claims to have found Jesus too. We shall see,he's said that before,although I do hope and pray he means it. It was good seeing him. I always wished we had a great relationship,that I was a Daddy's girl,lol. I know it's going to take some time to repair our relationship,but I forgive him and I will try. I hope he meets me half way this time. If not,I will always love him,pray for him. I will have no hate or resentment toward him,I just won't have contact with him. I can't be doing this back and forth with him all my life,this is it. So I pray he has changed and I'm looking forward to getting to know him all over again.

My half-sister came down too with him. I missed her and my half-brothers(wish they would have came down) She is pregnant,which I'm happy for her,and I hope her boyfriend will always be there for her and the baby. My Dad said he's a good guy. Tiffany is only 17 though. But she graduated high school and plans to go to College. She has a good head on her shoulders. Plus I'm not one to judge,I was a young Mom too. Not all young Moms are irresponsible and immature as well. So I hope and I will pray it all works out for Tiffany. Plus I will help any way I can.

Alrighty other than that,my weekend was good. I miss not seeing The Steelers play,they had a bye week. Though like 95% of yall could care less,lol.
Hope you all have a great week! Hugs and Kisses:)
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