read that article
heres a passage
an informal poll taken around a campfire revealed that six out of a group of ten protesters, selected at random, believed that the United States government was directly involved in planning the 9/11 bombings. Flabbergasted, I tried to press the issue.
"Do you know how many people would have to be involved in that conspiracy?" I said. "I mean, start with the pilots . . ."
"The planes were flown by remote control," a girl sitting across from me snapped.
wow, i wonder what percentage of people around the campfire should be in the campfire. is it just me or is that the most ignorant statement anyone could ever make. "yes the united states government took part in its second most, and the worlds fourth most detrimental change to society, be it financial, be it security measure, be the broader topic among those to the wonderful state of our economy"
what purpose would it serve?
a wonderfully written article, the best line the author wrote was "In return for all that, what Sheehan got was this: her own trailer, a couple of weeks' worth of airtime and a bunch of people who called themselves her friends but were really just humping the latest cause"
im not saying i 100% support bush, but if liberal left wing assholes are going to sound this ignorant when they speak, why vote for them? if a man thinks that his own country, a country he almost certainly announces as the best on earth, created this massive economical problem to send troops to foreign countries to be team america world police, and could give a shit less about them, isnt that treason?
everybody has a right to support, or be against the war, if anybody this sheehan lady does. but theres no draft, her son chose to participate in this war. your son chose to try to make the world a better place, not only for his children, but for thousands of other little kids, then let him make that decision. dont fight his battles for him after he died. he died in dignity for service of his country, and youve stripped all that dignity that he carried, and that he fell with. in a weeks time, youve destroyed one mans legacy as a great defender of this country. what happened to quietly mourning at home for your loss?
these liberal fuckholes make my brain hurt, and its hard to fathom whats going on in their minds.
(im sorry i have to go on one political rant every six months)