Kuznetsov Continued8 - Кузнецов Продолжение8

Jan 31, 2010 18:06

На деньги, выведенные с российских счетов полученные с Запада по счетам ЗАО "Тиссы", в частности построен полностью район Жулебино в г. Москве. Деньги проходили через фирму ООО "КАНЦ" руководитель Дмитрий Концилярий. Концелярый Д. связан с Карлом Факиным. Факкин К. руководителем ЗАО "ДГК" без знака "+". Факкин К. и Канцилярый Д. под контролем представителей "Семьи" по сговору между собой через фирму ООО "МосМар" инвестировали компанию ЗАО "Интеко" и ДСК-1, находящихся в собственности Батуриной Е. (она же жена мэра г. Москвы, Лужкова Ю.М.) Эти две компании занимались строительством жилого комплекса Жулебино в г. Москве, под контролем Батуриной и Лужкова, последний выделял для этого строительства и бюджетные средства. Так же с помощью Факина мэром Москвы Лужковым Ю.М. была открыта кредитная линия для строительства торгового комплекса на манежной площади возле Кремля, гостиницы Славянская за счет денежных средств, находящихся на счетах ЗАО "Тисса" и ЗАО "ДГК +". При этом, Факкин использовал векселя ЗАО "ДГК +", которые были переданы Кононевичем Е.И. компании "НТЖ".

С счетов ЗАО "Тиссы" были оплачены при содействии Голованова Петра и Кузнецова Михаила 127 квартир, предназначенных для сотрудников ЗАО "Тисса", ЗАО "ДГК +", фонда "ЧЗВ" и НП "МФФЭП "МЕК"и др. проживающих в городах . Москве и Санкт - Петеребурге . В последствии эти все 127 квартир перешли под контроль Лужкова и Сабчака и практически были похищены ими. Около 50 квартир было похищено в г. Санкт- Петербурге и 77 в Москву. 20 - квартир из них, незаконно Лужковым было отдано фирме ЗАО "Интеко" для свое жены Батуриной Е., остальные использованы Лужковым по своему усмотрению, для заселения родных и близких лиц, способствующих незаконному завладением всеми этими квартирами.

Карло Факкин работал с компаниями, находящимися в собственности Батуриной, перечисляя на эти компании денежные средства, в частности за счет денежных средств ЗАО "ДГК +" и ЗАО "Тисса" с помощью Факина и руководителя ЗАО "Эпикон" (Кулинич С.В.), были перечислены денежные средства на образование уставного капитала ЗАО "Интеко" (руководитель Елена Батурина). На счета компаний "Интеко" и ДСК-1, которые занималась строительством жилого комплекса Желябино было перечислено всего 2 процента от суммы вывезенного золота через счета ЗАО "Тиссы" в количестве около 3, 800 . тон и тысячи тон меди, всего на сумму около 650 млрд. дол. США.

Карло Факкин также был связан с гражданином США Кузнецовым А. Н., который был министром финансов Московской области и им финансировались отдельные проекты Московской области, где также совершались хищения денежных средств и по этому факту расследуется уголовное дело, возбужденное после того, как Кузнецов скрылся, уехав из России.

Американец Морген, проводивший финансовую проверку компании ЗАО "ДГК" в США, где Карл Факкин является руководителем, указал в отчете, что через компанию проходили миллионные суммы, они увеличивались, но налог компания ЗАО "ДГК" не платила, все осуществлялось через оффшорные фирмы с участием русских коммерсантов и денежные средства отмывались.

3. 20.10.1997 with the direction and with the signature of Kryuchkov, Cherepanov and Fanin agreed with Korabeynikov V., was issued from the accounts RBOF " ChVZ " to the trustee of the board "of the veterans of Soviet intelligence" Lobanov, IA 800 billion rubles. These funds were granted under Resolution number 101 of the Council of Elders' Council of veterans of Soviet intelligence of 18.10.1997. The money was intended and then was handed over personally to Korzhakov, Safonov -1, Safronov-2, Mironov under control of Pechenkin. Received this money supply Lobanov I.A personally to withdrawal cash order number 001-A form number CA-2 20.10.1997.

4. By order of the fund manager RBOF " ChVZ " Pospelov SI on 15-17 November 1997 transferred $ 10 million from the accounts of the funds of the Bank of New York U.S. stock accounts opened in banks of Russia: Alfa Bank, Sberbank and VTB for economic needs of the Fund. During this operation, Korzhakov VV, supervising the operation, received through Alfa - Bank  2.5 million dollars, due to organizational expenses, and he privatized the money; the remaining funds in the amount of 4.6 mil. Dol. arrived at Mytishchi machine-building plant. What had become of the remainder is unknown.

5. As directed by the leaders of RBOF "ChVZ", $ 100 million was transferred to backstop financial holding RBOF " ChVZ ", which ultimately was not used on the organizational costs, as planned, but went to the account of one of the Spanish companies under the control of Silaev IS. These funds Silaev IS and other members of the Yeltsin "Family" used to purchase property for personal purposes on the coast of Spain.

6. Through the fund of RBOF " ChVZ " were transferred securities worth 27.5 billion dollars and 280 tons of gold for TOFES - Territorial Financial Sector - Energy Union, where the general director of Latysheva EB, for the military industrial complex.

This fact occurred 19/06/2000. Fund RBOF " ChVZ " in the person of Pospelov SI and U.S. citizen Schram Otto Helmuth - Head of the American foundation Ban Beratung GmbH were locked in the economic ties. Simultaneously, this same citizen was an advisor to JSC "DGC" + ". Pospelov and Schram Helmut Otto gave Latysheva EB for TOFES, securities worth 25.7 billion dollars  and two gold certificates, secured with 280 tons of gold. When transferring these securities and certificates, acts of receiving transfers of these securities to Latysheva EB were drawn up

These securities were to provide funding to contracts between the Fund of Schramm and companies of Russia. But, after the transfer of these securities, Latysheva EB, in co-operation with members of the security services have used these securities for personal purposes and, having received against those securities funds in Investsberbank in Moscow, located at Krasniye Vorota (Red Gate), a total of 116 billion dollars and stole it. Most of these assets was exported abroad, where the funds accumulated in personal accounts of members of the "Family", intelligence personnel who had received these funds for these securities.

In this incident of theft, these funds with the participation of Latysheva and other persons, Scar Helmut and head of RBOF " ChVZ " Pospelov SI accessed in July 2002 to the head of the FSB Patrushev NP. However, verification of this statement was given to SC (investigation committee) of the Interior Ministry, which issued an order to dismiss the criminal case. Latysheva after receipt of the securities did not respond to repeated requests from Schram and Pospelov on this issue, did not meet with law enforcement agencies.

Directly involved in this transaction to obtain the money was bank manager Zaremba GG, Yakushev - Head of the own security of MIA of Russia. NP Patrushev, who directly oversaw the bank was involved in this operation and Zolotarev - Head of FSO (federal guard service) of President Yeltsin BN

Latysheva had previously created a fund in Bratislava for Presidential Programs, where she was head of Malyshev’s Promstroibank. For this purpose Latysheva collected donations of 250 000 dollars each from 1.5 thousand military enterprises and the funds settled on the personal accounts of the representatives of "family".

7. In addition to the above episodes, it was a fact of use of funds of RBOF "ChVZ " in the interest of representatives of "family" and the secret services of Russia. For example, in November - December 2008, illegally transferred from the account of RBOF "ChVZ" on the orders of the leaders of VTB, where the head is Kostin, on account of the International Cooperative Holding Zolotoye Secheniye ("Golden Section" - transl) (ICH "Golden Section") 6 TRIL. rub. and accumulated on the accounts of the holding. This money was transferred to the ICH "Golden Section" in secret from the head of RBOF "ChVZ" Pospelov SI

This Holding "Golden Section" is created and registered with the Tax Inspectorate № 7 in Moscow 14.04.2003, UAH-1037707015390, TIN - 7707322083, KPP -770101001 and it is under the direct supervision of NP Patrushev

Director General of ICH "Golden Section" Krents SV  is also general director of the Order of White Eagle. Chairman of the Board of the Holding is Kruglikov VV. Among the founders (ICH "Golden Section") is 41 different funds and companies that previously were related to the shadow removal of various assets abroad and 4 foreign companies, through which the transfer of the money to representatives of the "family" in the offshore zones of the West was executed. When they created ICH "Golden Section", there was 36 investors shareholders. The amount of shares at the creation time of the holding in 2003 was equal to 33 million rubles. On 09/09/2008, this holding had authorized capital in the form of shares amounting to 33 268 000 000 rub.

Later, after the transfer of funds from the accounts of RBOF "ChVZ" in the period November-December 2008 to 31.12. 2008, the balance of the Holding Company (HIC "Golden Section") already had 6 trillion 219 billion 813.mln. 085 thousand rubles. This was despite the HIC "Golden Section" was practically not involved in commercial or other economic activities that would enable it to increase its capital for such a substantial amount during two months. Part of funds to the account of holding company (HIC "Golden Section") came after revelations in December 2008 the working group on combating corruption in higher echelons of the officers of the criminal gang which tried to take out 4 trillion rubles, as indicated in the first report of the Working Group.

Similarly, from accounts of RBOF "Chvz” funds through VTB, were transferred to the account of Holding Zolotaya Os(the Golden axis), where the head is Merkulov.

8. In February 2008, there was an attempt by Pospelov SI to move securities of fund RBOF "ChVZ" secured with gold in the amount of 285 tons worth 116 billion dollars in favor of LLC IRTC "Work" to restore the material base of MOBREZERV(mobilization reserve in case of war - transl). But, despite the participation of the Federation Council, the State Duma, the GRU, the funds have been displaced as a result of opposition from representatives of the "Family", the country’s MOBREZERV really has not so far been updated and not created, which threatens the security of the country.

On the basis of JSC "DGC+" 24.02.1998 was established in St. - Petersburg the Non-profit Partnership" International Foundation for the Formirovaniya Energatsionnyh Potokov Manysheva - Yegorova - Kononevicha" (abbreviated as OP MFFEP - MEK) (which is literally - For the Forming of Energation Flows - a neologism aimed at showing the cultural level of the founders - transl) , which is registered in St. Petersburg 26.01.2001 with TIN number 7813143093. Its founders of the NP MFFEP MEK include: JSC "DGC+"- 25% interest to the person of Kononevich EI, Foundation For Promotion of Scientific and Technical Sciences "Nicka" Head Manyshev - 25% share, International High focal Council - MVKS (head Avdeev, Ilchenko NV) - 25% of shares and the bank-Swiss Trust Bank Corp. - a private non-public bank in the Republic of Nauru with a banking license number 504 under the leadership of a citizen of Russia - Egorova EV-25% shares.

On behalf of the head of the CBR Gerashchenko VV 23/12/2001, to account number 40703810300510000028, open in OAO Inkasbank in Saint Petersburg in favor of OP MFFEP - MEK has been listed $ 1 billion. These funds were transferred from the banks of Moscow and Moscow region having a secret code of "Cinderella" № 3954 and located in the account number 407028403 \ 407028102 in Sberbank and standing under the code number 3954 (1), ie the account of JSC "DGC+ ". This is strange sinse then, judging by the decision of Moscow Arbitration Court, the company already at that time was liquidated in July 2001.

In addition, on account of the OP MFFEP № 40703810300510000028 with the Bank JSC Inkasbank" in Saint Petersburg on the order of CFO OP MFFEP Kononevich EI for the number Re1: 23 \ r 12/01 from 23.12.2001 . 21.02.2002 from the accounts of JSC "DGC+ "has been transferred 2 568 000 000 dol., which were to be, by leaders OP MFFEP MEK, forwarded to the construction of" Blue Stream ". Planned $ 2 billion of that amount directly to the construction of the pipeline, $ 400 million for taxes and $ 168 million in economic costs associated with the provision of offices, furniture, property, housing for officials of ZAO DGC+ foundation "ChVZ" and NP "MFFEP MEK.

But, after the arrival of these 2 568 000 000 dol in the designated bank, representatives of the "Family" with the participation of heads of OAO Inkasbank "in St. Petersburg used it for their own selfish interests. The main manager of the fund in recent years is Egorova Elena. She was connected by business relationships with goldminer Tumanov Vadim. She also organized a number of firms: LTD "Rubicon", CJSC "Binky", CJSC "Aster", CJSC "Sae-Aster" in St. Petersburg associated with the Fund NP MFFEP "Manyshev-Yegorov and Kononevich" which listed the funds.

Having failed in 1998 through OP MFFEP MEK to insert the money into the economy of Russia, Kononevich EI makes another attempt. He, in early 1999 on the basis of JSC "DGC+ ", creates a new special partnership" International Financial Holding New Era " without forming a legal entity. Explanation of this ERA abbreviation is Ekranoplans Rostislav Alexeev. The PT "New Era" founders included: JSC "DGC" + "(Kononevich EI), CJSC news agency" Euroasia "(Head - Lantseva VA, she was also pressekretary of BN Yeltsin), Inter-Regional Public Foundation for the promotion of information structures (head Kovalev SA) After the registration of this structure MFH "New Era", by Kononevich EI an account was opened with a number 4070384080000000853 in Pioneer Bank, formerly called meaningfully ZAO Zhilsotsbank.(for construction of public housing - transl). Deposited in the bank was mortgaged set of documents, namely notarially certified copies of telex lines of credit of 3 billion dollars (1.5 + 1.5.) for contracts agreements of MFH "New Era with OOO" Invest Ural " for the supply of solid oil. In the work of Bank Pioneer Bank" under the influence of members of the "family" members, the CBR  intervened and work of PT "New Era" was stopped, and the securities to 3 billion dollars once again appeared in the hands of the "family." How representatives of the "Family" have used these securities that were concentrated in the specified bank, is unknown.

Real exports of gold, platinum, diamonds held in 1995 and actively in 96 what became known, had been released illegally through the arrested in September 1993 of  Shashurin’s SP Tan. He, after his release from prison, he was elected Republic of Tatarstan Duma deputy. Shashurin SP, at a meeting of the State Duma, raised the issue of corruption in Tatarstan and in particular about the illegal exportation of gold and diamonds by leaders of Tatarstan. Following his speech, began an active clean-up by intelligence officers of Russia and the Tatarstan Ministry of Internal Affairs of those involved in the export of gold throughout the country. During this period many people were killed, the heads of artisanal gold mining, the head of the department of the factory KAMAZ Faber, where the melting of gold had been carried out, and many others, as was stated in detail in the first information to the President of Russia.

Kononevich EI, learning about the sweep of those involved in export of gold, and being dissatisfied with the actions of the "family", in the Central Bank of Russia and other places, has removed part of the contracts, passports and other documents of several people who were involved in this removal and, thus, saved dozens of people who survived and who know about the illegal exportation of gold reserves and assets from Russia.

In 1996, between the SVR RF-controlled firms and firms of the West-Asia was awarded the contract - "Platinum". Thus, firms SVR Russia acted as buyers of several tons of platinum, which was moved back in 1993 - 1995 GG from Russia through the Yakut zolotoplatinovuyu company JSC "Yamal". For this platinum company controlled by the RAF had to pay a large sum of several hundred million dollars, but the company could not find the money. From these companies, Western companies with platinum, which concluded the contract - the sale, required penalties. Kononevich EI as directed by the representatives of the "Family" by agreement with the staff of the RAF and Soskovets in charge of this project, has been tasked to pay through the JSC "DGC+ " for this platinum, that is, to produce money-laundering again for previously exported illegally platinum. In the contract for platinum were involved Pospelov, Bystrov, Baibakov and GRU RF, as well as the head of JSC "Kotra" Kagalin Q. When Kononevich EI demanded that the "sellers" of platinum confirm its origin, the Western and Asian companies were unable to confirm this and did not submit the documents as the export of platinum was carried out by Russia's companies, in collusion with foreign companies illegally, so Kononevich EI did not pay. On behalf of JSC "DGC+" decided issues related to the contract for" platinum "in the period December 1996-01.02.1997, Winning process in the West. As a result, Western financial institutions have enshrined the right of capital to the contract "Platinum" for JSC "DGC" +, increasing the company's assets invested in Western banks with which categorically disagreed representatives of the "family" in particular Soskovets and further increased resistance of this group to Kononevich EI

April 18, 1997 Western banks have signed with JSC "DGC+ " Agreement on a display of a credit line for Russia and the willingness to February 22, 1998 to open a credit line on the account JSC"DGC+" totaling 4.5 billion dollars, and namely:

-1.5 Billion dollars Savings Bank of Russia, 1.5 billion dollars expert at the Moscow-Import Bank, 1.5 billion dollars in the Commercial Bank of Yugoslavia at the expense of New Technology Group, Inc. in favor of JSC "DGC+", as indicated above.

At the same time under the same amount had been drawn up agreements (reserves).

Western partners were warned that the Bank of Russia on behalf of "family" do not give JSC "DGC" + "on a voluntary basis telex messages, so Western banks by fax sent to JSC" DGC+" the text on the opening of the line of credit, and therefore, the Savings Bank and Moscow Export - Import Bank had with great regret to give JSC "DGC +" texts of telex on opening the above line of credit.

With the money derived from the Russian accounts received from the West on the accounts of JSC "Tisza", in particular, is built entirely Zhulebino district in Moscow. The money passed through the company OOO "Stationery" leader Dmitry Kontsilyary. D. Kontselyary associated with Karl Fakin. Faccin K.was the leader of JSC "DGC" with no sign "+". Faccin, K. and D. Kantsilyary under the control of "Family" in collusion with each other through a new company, OOO "MosMar" invested company ZAO Inteko and DHA-1, owned by Baturina E. (she is the wife of the mayor of Moscow, Luzhkov YM) These two companies engaged in the construction of residential complex Zhulebino in Moscow, under the control of Baturina and Luzhkov, the latter singled out for this construction and budget. Also with Fakin Moscow Mayor Luzhkov YM opened a credit line for construction of shopping complex at the Manege Square near the Kremlin, Slavyanskaya Hotel by money funds in the accounts of JSC "Tissa" and JSC "DGC+ ". Thus, Facchin used bills of JSC "DGC" + ", which were transferred by Kononevich EI to Company NTZH.

From the accounts of company Thyssen had been paid, with the assistance of Peter Golovanov and Mikhail Kuznetsov 127 apartments belonging to JSC "Tissa", JSC "DGC" + "stock"ChVZ "and NP" MFFEP MEK and others in cities of Moscow and St. - Petereburg. Subsequently, all these 127 flats fell under the control of Luzhkov and Sobchak and subsequently abducted by them. About 50 apartments have been abducted in the city of St. Petersburg and 77 in Moscow. 20 flats were illegally by Luzhkov  given to Company ZAO Inteko for his wife Baturina E., and the rest Luzhkov used at his discretion, for the settlement of relatives of persons contributing to the criminal taking over of all these apartments.

Carlo Fakin worked with companies owned by Baturina transferring money to these companies, particularly from JSC "DGC+" and JSC Tissa. By Fakin and the head of JSC Epikon (Kulinich SV), were transferred funds for the formation of the authorized capital of CJSC INTECO (owner Elena Baturina).

Физические лица информированных служб России, силовых структур членов "семьи" узнав в 1997 году о наличии 500 млрд. дол. США, накопленных в Коммерцбанке Германии, решили ими завладеть. Но они не смогли договориться между собой на получение указанных денежных сумм и не могли поделить пакет акций АКБ "Аэрокосмосбанка". Каждый, хотел получить контрольный пакет акций в управлении банком. В это же время Лобов О.И., контролирующий этот банк, с участием других лиц и использованием гарантий под алмазы Якутии под выданные президентом Николаевым гарантии совершили хищение через этот банк 200 млн. долл. США. Этот факт стал достоянием руководства ЦБ РФ и общественности. В связи с этим, руководители ЦБ России по указанию "семьи" с целью сокрытия этих фактов вынуждены были, отозвать лицензию этого банка, заморозив все деятельность банка АКБ "Аэрокосмосбанк" и, в результате, Россия не смогла получить готовые для перевода в Россию и накопленные в Коммерцбанке (Германия) 500 млрд. долл. США, находящихся на кор\ счетах ЗАО "ДГК+" с 1996г. по настоящее время.

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