Kuznetsov Continued5 - Кузнецов Продолжение5

Jan 31, 2010 18:01

Непосредственно вывоз платины осуществлялся иностранной компанией под руководством Райфана В.Я. по документам золотоплатиновой компании ЗАО "Ямал" и др. Этой компанией Рейфоном В.Я. было вывезены десятки тонн меди, а так же 33 тонны платины из той платины, которая была получена из Индонезии в количестве 600 тонн и десятки тон золота и серебра по документам АСЭР "Тан" и ЗАО "Тисса".

Этот вывоз меди, затем золота, платины проводился под контролем Черномырдина, Шаймиева, Сосковца, Галимова, Рушайло, Деменцева, Пасечника, Жеребчикова, Малкина и др. Причем этот вывоз не имел прямого отношения непосредственно к программе "Недра", разработанной Кононевичем Е.И.

Компания АОЗТ "Тисса" создана 20 мая 1994г. Учредителями являлись: Васечко А.А., Жосан М.Г., Поспелов С.И. и Черненко Н.А. с уставным капиталом в 200 тыс. руб. Генеральным директором являлся Васечко А.А. АОЗТ "Тисса" открыла счет № 4673613 в АКБ "Элимбанк", в последствии присвоен № 40702810700150000447, в ОАО Банк "ВТБ" рас\счет № 40702810700150000447.

Это одна из основных компаний, через которую реально вывозилось золото за рубеж по контрактам заключенным от имени этой и другой компании с 88 золотодобывающими артелями, куда в 1993 году были направлены через АСЭР "Тан" - 995 млрд. руб. из 1 триллиона руб., выделенных финансовой группой во главе с Шахидовым ЦБ РФ Шашурину С.П. и полученные по договорам, подписанным Шашуриным С.П., и полученные через "чеченские авизо" в различных банках страны.

Золото АОЗТ "Тиссы" вывозилось в Венгрию, Англию, Германию, Китай, Тайланд и страны "Сиам". В финансовую группу, которая занималась и непосредственно вывозом золота входили: Туманов В., Егорова Е., Черненко Н., Поспелов С.И., Кулинич С.В. и др., и они действовали под контролем представителей "Семьи": Силаева И.С., Сосковца О.И., Волошина А.С., Коржакова В.В., Чубайса А.Б., Березовского Б.А. и др.

В общей сложности через контракты АОЗТ "Тисса", заявили ее представители, в период 1994-1998г.г. было вывезено на Запад золота и других драгоценных металлов на общую сумму около 650 млрд. дол. США. Данная компания действовала до 1998 года, а затем по распоряжению представителей "Семьи" она была преобразована в Межрегиональный общественный благотворительный фонд "Человек - Земля- Вселенная" (коротко МОБФ "ЧЗВ") с регистрацией в Минюсте РФ, а в последующем и этот фонд был преобразован в Региональный благотворительный общественный фонд "Человек - Земля -Вселенная" (РБОФ "ЧЗВ") Решение о создании такого фонда РБОФ "ЧЗВ" было принято 16 июля 1998 года по инициативе Кононевича и Поспелова для исполнения "Программы возрождения торгового Флота России". Эти лица подписали Совместное соглашение с руководителями других фондов о совместной деятельности и создании Международного финансового холдинга "Человек - Земля-Вселенная". Через этот фонд Кононевич, Поспелов и некоторые другие рассчитывали внедрить денежные средства в Россию от вывезенного золота для восстановления Российского Флота. Однако, данная Программа оказалась в конечном итоге только "намерением" Кононевича и Поспелова, а денежные средства, предназначенные для этой Программы, реально поступающие через счета указанного фонда МФХ "ЧЗВ", перечислялись по указанию представителей "Семьи" на личные счета частных лиц - представителей "Семьи" и похищались. В последующем в декабре 2001 г. указанный фонд МФХ "ЧЗВ" вновь был переименован на "Некоммерческую организацию Благотворительный фонд "ЧЗВ" (НОБФ "ЧЗВ")

На протяжении всего периода, начиная с 1998 г. по настоящее время в состав учредителей фонда РБОФ "ЧЗВ" с указанными выше названиями, были: гражданин России Поспелов С.И. он же Председатель правления, гражданка Германии - Хеникер Наталья - она же генеральный директор фонда, а также - Межрегиональный общественный фонд социальной поддержки ветеранов государственной службы (Фонд "Референт") (руководитель -Мазаев В.Г.) и фонд "Княжеский Совет Русси" (руководитель Думиника В.А.)

Фонд РБОФ "ЧЗВ" под руководством Поспелова С.И. и Хеникер Натальи, каждый из которых практически обладает равными полномочиями по расходованию денежных средств фонда РБОФ "ЧЗВ" (оба имеют одинаковые печати), находящихся на многочисленных открытых счетах во многих банках мира переводили денежные средства в громадных суммах на счета, указанные представителями "Семьи". Этот фонд постоянно находился под контролем одного из руководителей подразделения ФСБ - Пасечника В.Д., он же президент МБОФ "ЧЗВ", а также Тизякова А, И.- бывшего председателя ассоциации государственных предприятий СССР, которые непосредственно руководили Поспеловым С.И. и Хенике Н., которые фактически были исполнителями воли, представителей "семьи".

Под видом исполнения "Программы возрождения торгового Флота России" фонд РБОФ "ЧЗВ" выпустил 1 000 000 акций и распределил следующим образом: 35%- 350000 перешли генеральному заказчику и исполнителю Программы - Фонду МФХ "ЧЗВ", 35% - 350000 акций генеральному Инвестору - Кононевичу Е.И., 10% -100000 акций в пользу ЗАО "ДГК+", 10 %- 1 000000 акций в исполнительный банк Московский народный банк (Лондон) и 10% координатору проекта - Поспелову С.И.

Практически, фонд РБОФ "ЧЗВ" после выпуска указанных акций под видом формирования денежных средств для "Программы возрождения торгового Флота России" сконцентрировал у себя активы и денежные потоки во многих банках Запада, которые находились на счетах АОЗТ "Тисса" и на счетах ЗАО "ДГК +" и др. компаний, через которые вывозилось золото и другие драгметаллы страны.

Фонд РБОФ "ЧЗВ" действовал в основном через Московский народный банк в Лондоне (МНБ), банках Австралии, Лугано, Цюриха, Востокстройбанк, NTERMEDIAS MEN - Литва, ISTRAL BANK MAYBE KRISE NATIONAL BANK, Израйль банк и др. и на счетах в этих банках за границей сосредоточено не менее 1.5 трил. долл. США. Так же счета открыты в российских банках в ОАО "ВТБ" № 4070381090003000087, корреспондентский счет № 30101810700000000187 в опера Московского ГТУ банка России и др.

Фонд РБОФ "ЧЗВ" непосредственно связан с американскими компаниями - New Technology Groyp,Inc США Вашингтон президент- O.Two-Feathers и компания New Technology Finances Ltd в Ирландии президент- V/Pres -Mahon Sllatteru, являющимися учредителями ЗАО "ДГК+" и компанией - CAPITAL INVESTMENTS FASTERN INC, представитель которой находится в Москве.

Со счетов РБОФ "ЧЗВ" неоднократно перечислялись по распоряжению представителей "Семьи" денежные средства в различные фонды, компаний, через которые затем эти денежные средства и похищались.

1. Так, генеральному директору фонда Хеникер Натальей в 2008 году были предъявлены чеки представителями компании - CAPITAL INVESTMENTS FASTERN INC Еленой Хайлрмас и Нарошевой Светланой на сумму 635 млн. долл. США для обналичивания и получения этой суммы на их счета.

Было подготовлено соглашение о переводе в пользу этой компании 635 млн. долл. США. Эта иностранная компания имеет открытые счета в 12 банках Запада, где сосредоточено 635 млн. Евро, полученных со счетов фонда РБОФ "ЧЗВ".

2. 12 декабря 2008 года генеральному директору РБОФ "ЧЗВ" Хеникер Наталья руководителями иностранной компанией MG CAPITAL INVESTMENTS FASTERN INC Викторией Мане Шевхеллес были представлены чеки европейских банков на сумму 1 255 000 000.00 Евро, для их обналичивания через счета РБОФ "ЧЗВ" и для якобы строительства коммерческого социального жилья в Ставропольском крае. Реального строительство жилья не производится, а чеки на указанную сумму оказались фальшивыми.

About this appeal sent to Yeltsin, Kononevich EI reported to the Monetary Committee, the Fed  OCC, administration of the Vatican under the number 20 (0028) 96, indicating the partial transfer of the reserved capital to the foreign exchange savings account at Commerzbank (Germany), in favor of JSC "DGC+ ", client of Bank Aerokosmosbank. As a result, by Kononevich EI to the savings account number 4008867905 00 of JSC "DGC" + "in the Commerzbank were transferred from the U.S. Fed the assets of Kononenvich EI, where he concentrated all the information on all the accounts of JSC" DGC+" open in 74 world banks . Further movement of capital from the savings account in Commerzbank could only be ordered by the head of JSC "DGC+".

In 1996, JSC "DGC+" through the JSC"EPO"accredited by the RF Ministry of Finance, were manufactured 1000 Bills of JSC" DGC+", quality certificate number 216 of 06.11.1996. These bills were put on record in the Department of Monetary and Export control of CBR. In May 1997, Central Bank of Russia informed the JSC "DGC+ ", that the bills of the company are currency values, and ordered the company to obtain a license for operations associated with foreign currency capital. June 24, 1997 JSC "DGC+" applied for a license as specified by the CBR. But after the intervention of members of the "family", the license for company JSC "DGC+" was never issued. In blocking the company were involved the tax authorities and in particular the tax inspectorate number 6 in Moscow.

In 1997, in connection with the decree of President Yeltsin BN, charter documents of JSC "DGC" + "were brought into line with the new lineup and new statute registered in the Moscow Registration Chamber on July 17 1997 under the number 059149. Earlier, in 1995, in the United States, a re-registration was initiated by the American Corporation New Technology Group Inc (NTZH) in New York. Corporate headquarters is located in Moscow and a representative of the corporation in Moscow was Teresa M. Meyor. President of the Corporation is Mr. O. Two Feathers, he is also president of the bank "Panacea Bank Trust Inc, which is a Federal Reserve Bank. JSC "DGC" without the + sign, CEO of which is a U.S. citizen Charles Faccin registered in the U.S., and this company was a part of JSC "DGC" + "and had a 49% share of the total authorized capital of JSC"DGC+".

The shareholders of JSC "DGC" + "are Kononevich EI having of the total of 200 existing shares of the company - 81 shares, 40.5%, 50 shares owned by the chief accountant Pogodina MS-25%, U.S. corporations New Technology Group Inc has - 45 shares-22.5%, International Foundation "Victory-1945” has -18 shares, 8.9%, as well as other foreign companies: Association SWENZ PASIFIK LIMITED, British Virgin Islands, NTW TECHNOLOGY GROUP INC ", New York USA, and individuals having from 1 to 3 shares .

Directly overseeing Kononevich EI from the Security Council of Russia, were Berezovsky BA, Sviridov AA - Former Deputy Finance Minister RF, Solovyov VI - the main auditor CBR, as well as trying to oversee and have influence were Korzhakov AV, AB Chubais, AS Voloshin, Silaev IS, Sukharev In . VI, Grachev VP, Rushailo V., Zibrovsky VB - Deputy Representative of the President of CJSC, as well as Dementsev VV - Financial Adviser, RF President BN Yeltsin, FSB Malkin BA etc.

Assets of JSC "DGC+" really were transferred by Kononevich EI into the following banks:

1. Based on the Investment Program of Russia by Kononevich EI in Commerzbank in Germany from March 20, 1996 was accumulated under the mortgaged securities on the cor \ account of JSC "DGC+ "№ 400886806900 totaling 500 billion dollars. This money was obtained under the financial instruments at 40-50% of the nominal value of assets and is placed in the bank at the present time and with interest in this bank is already around 750-800 billion dollars, which no one can withdraw, except JSC "DGC" + ", activities of which are currently blocked by the representatives of the "family".

Money in the Commerzbank was concentrated and planned by Kononevich for the needs of "Rosvooruzheniye" and had to pass through the company ZAO "Katri" (director Katalin B.) This company was linked to Russia's defense ministry and defense plants, such as Lukhovitskii and others, and engaged in export and selling weapons abroad.  JSC "Katri" on the money was to build housing for the troops, but because of the opposition from representatives of the "family" to Kononevich, these funds were not received in Russia, and housing for the military has never been constructed. 2. Based on Securities of JSC "DGC+", from 1995 to cor \ accounts of the company JSC" DGC "+" were placed in Panacea Trust Bank Ink - Canada - 6 billion dollars. This amount is listed there so far. For 10 years with interest the amount has increased substantially.

- 3 billion dollars among them, obtained through a credit line under the program of JSC "DGC+" in tranches of 1.5 billion dollars collected by Kononevich under a bill of Sberbank and 1.5 billion dollars under a bill Mosexpobank. Contracts for this credit line of 3 billion dollars were concluded in London between Feder and Kononevich. under the program "Nedra".

In addition, they also signed a second contract - a mirror of the above credit line of 3 billion dollars. Feder, under the influence of members of the "family", later defected into the financial group, under the control of AB Chubais, but this group could not get the money in the bank Panacea Bank of Canada without Kononevich EI, as head of ZAO "DGC" + ". These are all 6 billion dollars that passed through the U.S. company New Technology Group, Inc, where Kononevich EI, Pogodina MS and U.S. citizen Harry Grigorevich, are the founders of this company, and have an equal number of shares to 33.3% each.

3. Kononevich EI in CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE TORONTO Canada in 1999 with the assets of JSC "DGC+ " on account number 1884417 incorporated 90 billion dollars, which were on deposit accounts of Sberbank of JSC "DGC+ " for 25 years. These funds are on cor \ accounts of JSC "DGC+ " in favor of the American company New Technology Group, Inc and can not be obtained without the decision of JSC"DGC+" owner.

4. In 1995, in Bank of America through the company New Tehnology Group Inc., where the CFO was Kononevich EI, was released on behalf of JSC "DGC+ " and mortgaged the Gold Certificate in the amount of 138 billion dollars under the code of NK-007. Funds from this Gold certificate were on a bank account in Swiss Trust Bank in Nauru, where the CEO of the bank is Egorova EV. The funds under this gold certificate, by Kononevich EI utilized as follows:

a) In 1998, JSC "DGC +" passed a bill amounting to 4.5 billion dollars from 07.05.1997 and opened a credit line from 23.02.1998 in the Bank Bankovski Dom -"Bank House" Saint - Petersburg. Further movement of the said amount is unknown, although a newly created fund under the control of members of the 'Family' "In the name of St. John the Baptist" in their appeals to the Central Bank of Russia said that this money was received on account of JSCB "Bank House" St. - Petersburg and this Fund tried in 2004 to receive these funds in their favor through CBR, and it is possible that they succeeded.

b). Kononevich EI in 2002 opened a credit line № DGK CL 971,804 for the Foundation "In the name of St. John the Baptist" in the form of guarantees of the CBR in the amount of 2 568 billion dollars and the amount was received in the bank JSCB "Bank House" Saint - Petersburg, where it settled. Further movement of this money is unknown.

c). According to the decision of the Security Council of Europe on the allocation of quotas for Yugoslavia, by Kononevich EI were given to the leadership of this country 1.5 billion dollars and he transferred this amount from the accounts of JSC "DGC + 27.02.1998 to Belgrade to the National Bank. The dispute over the money in Yugoslavia between crime groups, in consequence, led to the outbreak of hostilities and the U.S. bombing of Yugoslavia.

g). Under the credit agreement № JFI \ CID \ KK \ OF \ RG-300-0896-A between Kononevich and Feder in England through Master bank were allocated by JSC "DGC+ " for the Fund Federation - France 1.5 billion dollars of USA.

d.) 18 April 1997 between JSC DGC + and Panacea Bank in Aivo Nauru was signed a loan agreement under № DGK 971804 CL, Panacea, under which the Bank carries out all financial services for JSC" DGC+" financial transactions. JSC DGC + issued the Bank's financial instruments at 3 billion dollars to make profit on conditions of obtaining by JSC "DGC+" of 40-50% of full face value of the financial instrument.

5. JSC "DGC+" opened cor \ accounts in 74 banks of the West, members of the U.S. Federal Reserve and under the control of the international (worldwide) financial trust The CSPL TRUST, which also accumulated significant amounts of money.

For several years, from 1996 Kononevich EI on behalf of JSC "DGC+ "sought to obtain documents from the west bank accounts opened by JSC" DGC+" at 74 banks of the world to try through them to raise funds for the introduction of investment in Russia. But the CBR and the Foreign Ministry representatives of the Yeltsin "Family" did not allow to receive by JSC "DGC+ "documents from Western banks, and those instruments are being used by the representatives of the "family " through a company they have created for these purposes such as CASTLEROSS CONSORTIUM (led by Romanova TA . and others acting under the control of the FSB)

6. By Kononevich EI at the bank Handelsbanken - Austria was posted, and stored for about 10 years, 3.750 billion dollars owned by JSC "DGC+", created and accumulated by the company under various programs.

7. In the bank "Russian Capital" Russia, where MIKHIN AY was at the helm, there are certified copies of hard Bills of JSC "DGC+ "for a total of 200 million dollars. How those securities of JSC "DGC+ "were used by members of the Yeltsin" Family" is unknown.

8. On the balance of JSC "DGC+"on July 8, 1997, adopted by the State Tax Inspectorate № 6 Central Administrative District of Moscow, on the liabilities and assets of the company in Russian banks there is 15 trillion, 49 billion, 538million 600 thousand rubles.

Program "Nedra" was created in December 1993 and linked with gold mining artels. In December 1993, in Moscow, arrived 8 leaders of gold-mining artels of Chita, Khabarovsk, and others, and by initiative of Ryutin V. Dovzhan with Kononevich and Tumanov was developed this program "Nedra", which was adopted in March 1994.

Transactions on transportation abroad of gold, platinum, diamonds, silver, copper and other precious metals, were mainly through the aircraft of company Thyssen (Vesechko AA), JSC "Katri" (director Kagalin VA), JSC "Epikon ", OOO" Gemont "(director of both Kulinich SV), a company Volga-Dnepr (head Isaykin), ASER" Tan ", ECS Firm" Tan "(leaders Yusupov, then Petrenko, founder Shashurin SP), JSC "Phoenix", JSC "Zodiac-K", JSC "Yamal", OOO "Founder Ltd, JSC" Uraltransinvest" and many others.

For example, the head of JSC "Epikon" Kulinich SV was associated with the leadership of Tatarstan, and Uzbekistan, so the export of gold originally from Tatarstan took place in Tashkent, and then as  joint Russia - Uzbek gold was exported to the West, as was stated in detail in the first information. Kulinich SV worked with the factories that produced rare metals. Kulinich SV was associated with Pudovkin and Soskovets, the latter was head of these operations in Bulgaria. In Bulgaria Kulinich SV was also the head of JSC "Gold Axle”. There she and General Merkulov created a repository for the storage of copper, gold, like Securityhaus. These depots were established in Germany, England, Holland, with the company OOO "InzhStroyServis", led by citizen - Reyfan VY.

Since 1993, Reyfan VJ, as one of the managers was associated with leaders of the British aviation company Heavy Lift and leaders of Russia's airline Aerostan Kazan, by who’s aircraft were exported copper and platinum in 1993 -1995 years from Norilsk and Murmansk to the west . Initially copper was transported from Norilsk to Murmansk, and then later to Germany and Austria and other places in the West, codenamed "Operation Colombo". Under the operation from the country were removed at least 10 000 tons of high-grade copper.

Directly export of platinum was carried out by the foreign company under the leadership Rayfan VY through the documents of the gold- and platinum-mining company JSC "Yamal", etc. Through this company by Reyfon VY was removed tens of tons of copper, as well as 33 tons of platinum from the platinum, which was received from Indonesia in the amount of 600 tons and tens of tons of gold and silver on the documents of ASER "Tan" and CJSC "Tissa".

This export of copper, then gold, platinum was carried out under the supervision of Chernomyrdin, Shaimiev, Soskovets, Galimov, Rushailo, Dementsev, Pasechnik, Zherebchikov, Malkin, etc. Moreover, this export was not directly related to the program "Nedra", developed by Kononevich E.I .

russia, мафия, shashurin, россия, кузнецов, шашурин, mafia

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