Видный американский экономист Майк Малоуни, который простым и доступным языком объяснял хитрости современной финансовой системы получил лобовой удар от встречного тяжелого автомобиля, который выехал на встречную полосу и снес водительскую сторону теслы, которой управлял Малоуни.
The oncoming car was traveling at 50 or 60 MPH. It crossed the centerline of the road fully into my lane and was heading straight at me.
I veered toward the shoulder of the road and WHAM! The car hit me head on, pushing my car backwards 20 or 30 feet, and sheering the entire driver’s side of my car clean off.
The other car, and pieces of my car, continued traveling down the road behind me another 60-80 feet or so. You can clearly see the other driver’s skid marks running from my lane to the rear of his car.
The whole accident, from when I first heard and saw the oncoming car to the moment of impact, took less than a second. The moment of impact was the most intense, brutal, and violent experience of my life. I looked at the smoke coming out of the deflating air bag in front of me, unfastened my seat belt, and stepped out of the car through the area where my drivers side door used to be.
Later, my passenger said that when he saw the car heading straight for me, he thought I was a dead man. Luckily, the impact was offset enough to one side that the oncoming car was deflected by the carbon fiber body and incredibly strong aluminum frame of my Tesla Roadster.
If I had been driving a different car, or if the oncoming car had hit me more towards the center of my car, I would not be here typing this article today… but amazingly, I’m alive. I walked away with just a few scratches, bruises, and an incredibly sore ribcage and neck.