Состав участников Бильдербергов, сегодня последний день встречи.

Jun 05, 2012 09:36

Ackermann, Josef Germany Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG. Deutsche bank is key to manipulating currencies and gold.

Agius, Marcus GB Chairman, Barclays plc. His wife is Katherine de Rothschild. Her father is Evelyn de Rothschild who was a co-founder of Bilderberg. Agius began his career at the Rothschild associated Lazard bank.

Ajami, Fouad USA Lebanese born. Senior Fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He defended the Iraq invasion as a Noble. His name Ajami means non-Arabic speaker. He is a Shiite. His doctoral thesis was written on world government. He was an adviser to Condoleeza Rice.

(General) Alexander, Keith B. USA Commander, US Cyber Command; Director, National Security Agency. He is there to work with the younger quasi government private corporations like Google to take over the Internet and eliminate human freedom.

Almunia, Joaquín International Vice-President - Commissioner for Competition, European Commission. The EU is a dictatorship run by the European Commission. He had been an economist for Spanish unions whom be betrayed with EU banker policies. He is close to Jose Manuel Barroso who is EU Commission President which is to say dictator of Europe.

Altman, Roger C. USA Chairman, Evercore Partners. He wrote in Foreign Affairs that Globalism was in retreat and that Obama needed to articulate the benefits of free trade. (Like the 12,000,000 jobs America lost since NAFTA.) He was Deputy Treasury Secretary to Carter and Clinton. He worked for failed Lehman Brothers. He worked for Rothschild related Blackstone Hedge Fund. Evercore is a boutique Hedge Fund.

Amado, Luís Portugal Chairman, Banco Internacional do Funchal (BANIF) Former Portuguese Minister for Defense and for Foreign Affairs and also EU President. His bank is international with offices in money laundering areas of South America and the Cayman Islands.

Andresen, Johan H. Norway Owner and CEO, FERD. He is a multi-billionaire and owner of Tiedemanns tobacco empire. He has used expletive deleted words in print in criticism of Bill Gates.

Apunen, Matti Finland Director, Finnish Business and Policy Forum EVA He supports globalization of business and media.

Babacan, Ali Turkey Deputy Prime Minister for Economic and Financial Affairs. His family owns a low wage textile factory which he used to manage. He has worked in the US as a bank executive and bank consultant.

Balsemão, Francisco Pinto Portugal President and CEO, Impresa; Former Prime Minister He is the founder of a weekly news magazine. He is a broadcaster and has business ties with Brazil.

Baverez, Nicolas France Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP. He works at the Paris office of an international law firm headquartered in New York with 1,000 lawyers and. offices in 17 nations. He specializes in privatization meaning he takes utilities paid for by the public which are given to billionaires. Tolls and fees are given to taxpayers.

Béchu, Christophe France Senator, and Chairman, General Council of Maine-et-Loire, a French Department (state.) He is a center-right politician and has a slate of MEPs that represent his group in the EU parliament.

Belgium, H.R.H. Prince Philippe His family is quite wealthy. The Belgian Congo used to be the private property of King Leopold. They inspired Africans to work harder by cutting off the arms of those who were not enthusiastic in their labors.

Berberoğlu, Enis Turkey Editor-in-Chief, Hürriyet Newspaper. He worked for a long time in the US before returning to Turkey to take his current position. He said his classmates from university seem to be running the country.

Bernabè, Franco Italy Chairman and CEO, Telecom Italia. He is a non[executive director of Petro China. He was appointed as Vice Chairman of Rothschild Europe. He is on the Bilderberg Steering Committee. The other Bilderberg participants merely discuss the agenda until agreement is reached. The Steering Committee sets that agenda.

Bernanke, Benjamin USA Chairman Federal Reserve Board. He is not on the list. If he does not show up on person, he will do a video conference. These men are bankers and are experiencing runs on their banks. He created more than 30 trillion dollars to help the banks cover up bank frauds, bad investments and stupidity. He will likely create 10, 20 or even 30 trillion more dollars before the dollar is worthless.

Boles, Nick GB Tory Member of Parliament. He is a member of the influential Notting Hill Set of MPs of which George Osborne is a member. He is a founder of the Policy Exchange think tank which is an important part of the Cameron government. He is openly gay and has an Israeli born partner in a civil union. He is a member of the Henry Jackson Society which advocates force to spread democracy.

Bonnier, Jonas Sweden President and CEO, Bonnier AB. His family owned publishing company is the largest in Scandinavia.

Brandtzæg, Svein Richard Norway President and CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA. It is the fourth largest integrated electrical generation and aluminum producer in the world.

Bronner, Oscar Austria Publisher, Der Standard Medienwelt, a nationwide newspaper.
Carlsson, Gunilla Anna Sweden Minister for International Development Cooperation. She is a member of the Moderate party and is touted to become Foreign Secretary.

Carney, Mark J. Canada Governor, Bank of Canada He is a former Goldman Sachs VP and is on the short list with another Goldmanite to succeed Mervyn King to become as Governor, Bank of England.

Cebrián, Juan Luis Spain CEO, PRISA; Chairman, El País He worked at Arthur Andersen and ABC broadcasting. His job like others in the media is to convince the poor that they ought to have less that billionaires might have more.

Cernko Willibald UniCredit Bank Austria AG. This a a merged bank and is part of a group of banks doing business as far away as Moscow.

Chalendar, Pierre André de France Chairman and CEO, Saint-Gobain His company supplies construction firms.

Christiansen, Jeppe Denmark CEO, Maj Invest, Danske Capital.

Chubais, Anatoly Borisovich Russia CEO, OJSC RUSNANO All you need to know is that he was responsible for privatization under Boris Yeltsin when 240 billion dollars was stolen form the Russian people and given to the Harvard Endowment, Chase Bank, the Rothschilds and 8 oligarchs. He is an adviser to JP Morgan and is listed as the 54th richest man in the world. He is a former Communist party member. He has been a member of anti-Putin parties. He is not the only anti-Putin Russian invited to Bilderberg 2012.
Чубайс Анатолий Борисович, председатель РосНано. Всё, что вам нужно знать - это то, что он ответственен за приватизацию при Борисе Ельцине, когда 240 миллиардов долларов было украдено у русского народа и отдано фонду Харвард Эндоувмент, банку Чейс, Ротшильдам и 8 олигархам. Он является советником Джейпи Морган и занимает 54 место в списке богатейших людей мира. Бывший член коммунистической партии. Считается противником Путина.
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military, бильдерберги, new, bilderbergs, сша, new world order, us, чубайс, chubays, communism

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