EU Secretly Authorizes Emergency Order Allowing Large Increase Of Radiation In Food Posted by
Alexander Higgins - April 3, 2011 at 12:52 pm -
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Alexander Higgins Blog Kopp Online, Xander News and other non-English news agencies are reporting that the EU implemented a secret “emergency” order without informing the public which increases the amount of radiation in food by up to 20 times previous food standards.
According to EU bylaws radiation limits may be raised during a nuclear emergency to prevent food shortages.
But there is anger across Europe because this emergency order was issued while officials say there is no threat to the food.
Foodwatch is quoted “These rules now to bring into force is absurd, because in Europe there are no nuclear emergency, and certainly no shortage of food.”
EU imports large increase allowable radioactivity in food from Japan
Geiger Counter Detects Radiation in Japan Seafood
All of the Geiger counter will beep like crazy and go all the red lights flash - the EU has just determined that a 20 times higher radioactivity in such fish from Japan suddenly no difference.
The European Union has authorized radioactive load in foods in Japan has increased substantially. Until now, a maximum of 600 becquerels of radioactivity (cesium 134 and cesium 137) per kilogram allowed, but since last weekend for example oil or herbal suddenly 12,500 becquerels per kilogram, more than 20 times as high. The increase was recorded in
Emergency Ordinance 297/2011 on March 27 and was in force.
While politicians talk about “enhanced control measures” and “special protection standards” is universally silent on the huge increase in the allowable limits in food in Japan. Nevertheless we are reassured with the assurance that we have no worry about radioactive products from Japan.
Explain why a 20 times as high value would make no difference for the consumer safety did not come.
According to the Food Watch advocacy does this policy provides greater confidence of European citizens in the EU measures. Food Watch wants an immediate ban on all goods coming from the affected region are Japanese. Incidentally, in Europe there is very little food imported from Japan.
News Echo (1)
Echo News Here’s the press release from Foodwatch:
Joint press statement by foodwatch and Environment Institute Munich eV: limits on radioactive contamination of foodstuffs from Japan increased - federal government does not inform public
29.03.2011 29.03.2011
Berlin / Munich. The consumer organization foodwatch and the Environment Institute Munich eV have criticized the information policy of the federal government on food safety after the nuclear disaster in Japan. Federal Consumer Protection Minister Ilse Aigner as in days of “enhanced control measures” and “special protection standards” - it informs the public but not the fact that the EU-wide limit values for the radioactive contamination of foodstuffs from the affected areas in Japan increased over the weekend clear. Was previously a cumulative radioactivity of cesium-134 were cesium-137 and allowed maximum of 600 becquerels per kilogram, this past weekend up to 20 times higher ceilings of up to 12,500 becquerels per kilogram for certain products in Japan in force.
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While in Europe there are currently no cause for concern about highly contaminated products from Japan in the trade - this does not justify the lack of information policy of the federal government nor the raising of the limit values. “The minister speaks only of increased controls and fails to mention that have been reduced with the security standards for Japanese food. Mrs. Aigner contains important information from the public - it certainly does not win the trust of the citizens, “Thilo Bode, director of consumer organization, said food watch.It is absurd to increase in the current situation limits for Japanese food in order to introduce them into the EU,” said Christina Hacker, Board on Environmental Institute Munich
Both organizations were in favor of imposing a complete import ban. “Our solidarity is currently the victims of the disaster in Japan, and this measure would certainly be no great loss to the Japanese economy,” said Christina infamous Munich Environmental Institute. In any case, the volume of imports of food from Japan to Europe are very low.
(EU-Verordnung 733/2008). apply to food and food imports for cesium-134 and 137 typically limits of 370 becquerels per kilogram for infant formula and milk products and 600 Bq / kg for other foods (EU regulation 733/2008). The Emergency Ordinance 297/2011, which entered into force on March 2011, has increased the European Commission of these borders to products from the affected regions Japanese clear: to 400 becquerels per kilogram for infant formula, to 1000 Bq / kg for milk products and to 1250 Bq / kg for other foods. Certain products such as fish oil or spices may even exceed this value by ten times, ie up to 12,500 becquerels per kilogram to be charged - a 20-times the previous limit.
Background for the increase is about the Chernobyl disaster in 1987 adopted EU Regulation 3954/1987. Accordingly, in the event of a “nuclear emergency” to be raised the ceiling on allowable radioactive contamination of foods to prevent food shortages. ‘These rules now to bring into force is absurd, because in Europe there are no nuclear emergency, and certainly no shortage of food’. Imports from Japan to play for the security of European citizens not matter, “said Thilo Bode and Chris Hacker.
Kopp online also reports in a two part article on the secret passage to increase radiation levels and allow the sale of unmarked cloned beef. Here are snippets regarding to the radiation in the food.
EU-bottom: European citizens now get cloned meat and irradiated foods (1) As one recently said a frustrated EU citizens? If you’re the resident European Union, you have really no other enemies.
What is meant by the man, you understand really, if you look at two EU decisions this week, is considered:
- Cloned meat is in Europe since allowed and must not be marked immediately.
- The world’s current EU limits on radioactive contamination of foodstuffs from Japan were to be up to twenty-fold increased.
…Anyone who buys the future fish oil or spices from Japan that can get any food in excess of twenty times the limit for radioactive contamination.
Now arises the first question: Do Europeans really want cloned meat? Do they really wanted increased radiation levels in their food? The clear answer is no! And No! According to a
survey by the European Authority for food safety, EFSA, last fall in Brussels must now really set alarm bells ringing at the latest, if, indeed, when the EU leaders will of the people interested would be most effectively. For according to this survey, two thirds of Europeans, by the way, almost three quarters of the Germans, deeply troubled when it comes to genetically modified organisms in food. “It is very” concerned almost one in three Europeans EFSA survey, about chemical pesticide residues, antibiotics or hormones in food. Four-fifths of my way, the public authorities should do more for healthy food.
More, but still not less!
EU-bottom: European citizens are now getting cloned
meat and irradiated foods (2) Although the Federal Minister of Consumer Affairs has Aigner for days on increased control measures and special safeguard standards of food from Japan, but they do not inform the public that the EU-wide limits for radioactivity in have been sharply increased. Food from the affected regions of Japan have increased significantly this past weekend.
Here, too, warns food watch in a
recent press release : “Has been a cumulative radioactivity of cesium 134 and cesium-137 of 600 becquerels per kg allowed a maximum occurred-last weekend of up to 20 times higher ceilings of up to 12,500 Bq / kg for certain products in Japan in force. Although there was in Europe at present no cause for concern about highly contaminated products from Japan in the trade - this is justified but not the lack of information policy of the federal government nor the raising of the limit values. The Minister speaking only of increased controls and conceal that have been reduced with the security standards for Japanese food.
Sun Aigner contains important information before the public - so they do not win the trust of the citizens, “says Thilo Bode, watch-food manager. Both his organization and the Environment Institute Munich eV were in favor of imposing a complete import ban. Example, would have probably decided also to EU citizens, the majority of them anyway.
Kopp online finishes their two page article:
Is again at the end the question of how long the people in 27 countries, do not put up with? You know the truth slowly, and they are in the majority, not lobbyists and politicians? So why buy them in the future anyway cloned meat and cesium-fish oil?
Евросюз без огласки повысил норму предельной радиоактивности пищевых продуктов, а также отменил необходимость маркировать клонированное мясо. Об этом пишут неанглоязычные информагентства. Причиной этого может быть такое повсеместное радиоактивное заражение продовольствия, когда старые санитарные требования вызвали бы существенный дефицит еды.
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