Cheesy Cheesy, makes otters go Pop.

Jun 10, 2006 22:35

I dont do many LJ posts, mainly cause I dont see them read or I tell my friends anyway, but I thought besides telling all goss one after another that this would certainly help, and let people get a good read to waste some time in life, woo hoo.

Upon ariving back home from my 2 weeks or so up in Brisbane I dont know how to explain what I experienced up there, insanity among epic proportions works but I think just one amazing place and people. As a friend and I were trying to define the meaning to the word 'surreal' I think those two weeks was just that. I got to meet and spend time with people that allowed me the openess and expressionism that I needed, enjoy laughs and jokes that well, other people could laugh at with the small incoherant curse word soon after ^^. It was a jump in the deep end for some poor country otter, considering his lifes excitments are going to the movies once a month at best, or walking around the dead end country town and seeing someone that knows you since you popped from your mum's womb.

The details of the experience though while up there is at best left for the people I experienced them with, reasons are I can probably gather most dont know the annoying tone of hearing 'Wake up Jeff' on repeat besides 'that' lot. It goes on like that, so I will just proclaim that it was a success, roaring success, because I have friends now that I feel more connected then the ones I moulded myself around in this town due to their infactuation for cars or Pussy or both, in that order :P.

For what has happened since I arrived home has been slightly peculiar, and in a negative way I would gather. The quote of this week from my family and their highly underaged IQ's is when the topic of 'Johnny Depp' came up, I was happy to discuss about him, as he is quite the attractive actor that he plays many roles with such talent. Although that was quickly diminished by my Aunts remark 'Yes and he plays Straight Roles amazingly!' with me leaving and her knowing she made herself look like a dickhead.

But for me to make a LJ post today must mean something happened to realise some things and have to jot them down, yes that is correct. For starters I woke up to my mother at the door, explaining to me that my cat died, well.. my cat as in the family cat, my grandfather had a cat when I was around 3 or so, and its grown with me in my entire life almost. It struck me hard, I dont know how people feel when they have a pet passing on, but you can imagine if one has been in your life from start onwards, it struck a bad chord in me. So I spent the morning moping, I didn't get to say goodbye, the whole distress of a lost loved pet.

To that my cousin came over, she recently had a baby girl, much to the family's love considering I'm gay, and I being the prodigy child, I've become the 'failure' of the house. So this baby was a new step to digging at my soul with a nail. As in, my mother came in with the baby girl while I was moping and put her in my arms, explaining to me the joys of being a 'straight' father, to have a child. Personally, I hate babies, which is odd considering I do love kids, I've always been everyone's best cousin or family member. Which pisses alot of my relatives off cause living in god damn nowhere and their kids screaming they want to come and enjoy playing hide and go seek and tag with their big cousin who lives 500 km away eats at them. The fact my mother wanted to try and convert me yet again wasn't working well, and being fragile after the morning news I had to just grin and bare it, least for the baby, cause a mean otter musn't look cute.

After the 'festivities' of that I realised it was getting late in the day and I promised a close friend of mine I was going to head out and see him. Being in the army he was the first guy I came out to and has been one of my best friends cause he accepted it as apart of me. His girlfriend loves me, yes the fag hag :P. Its sad again because he's only here for the weekend cause he has to head back to his barracks, unfortunately after feeling so blue and emmotionally edged I completely forgot and I probably wont see him for a long time now.

As that being the 'emmotional' pain of the day comes the physical. My wisdom teeth are still in and are causing some tremendous pain, my bottom ones are getting persistant and already my bottom perfect row of teeth are now going crooked, which makes me frustrated when I had surgery on them, (another long story) so last night in my desperate plea for them to stop aching I just pushed down on one and tried to force it back to stop the pain. Its not a free surgey, I need all 4 out and it will cost me over 1500 dollars (350 a tooth) and I will be placed in hospital for a day or two due to the fact that I will lose alot of blood and fluids.

With those at hand I decided to find my way to get online and perhaps remove myself from the world of RL for a while. I recieved the usual set of my friends coming to me with their problems, giving them my ears when I suppose I needed the ear. Which is stupid cause many people know I'm a stubborn bitch to get info out of about myself, so its an oxymoron anyway.

To that it doesn't help someone of my group of friends hit a very tender wound on me about the issues of finding someone 'attractive', I've brought this up with a few friends and I get the whole explaination of yes I am good looking so shut up. But with myself living in the countryside, the only people that find me attractive are the 40+ stalkers, the gay players wanting another strike to their tally or the hidden in the bar staining the underside of tables with their dicks hanging out to jerk at anything that moves. I dont quite feel myself as good looking, why I hunt to do gym work, I even applied to go to modelling school, hah, just to feel the fact 'who knows, they may think I have some looks'.

Anyway.. thats been my day, if you actually read through -all- of that then dear god you're amazing be my love child, if not well then I'm sure you have some insight as to the days of a plain tall lanky otter :P.

The Subject is cause I ate too much of that damn three layered dominoes cheese pizza, now I think I'm gonna explode, plus I smell like cheese, and everything tastes like cheese, if I'm an otter/mouse, then which tail should I have to be cuter? Cause both are ^^.
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