Britains and their Lantana, kill it all!

Nov 03, 2004 02:46

AS I've said with my phoneline being buggered, we had a specialist come out today to help find the problem, God dam, this guy was smart but does he know how to use a car in the bush... Uhhh NO! He told me the terminal cable that he was trying to find is hidden beause it hasn't been looked at in, ohh I dont know a decade! so its imbedded in dirt and possibly has a tree growing over it. So we were going next door and across the road, looking through paddocks (Hectares of land for those city boys) but we couldnt find it. Anyway, our drive way splits like a k-shape on the straight side theres a slight slope where lantana grows... now this stuff is a fucking bitch, I heard Britain have it as a actual plant, its a weed, a sharp, thorny stingy weed! Well anyway, when he did the 3 point turn (which was a bad decision because we know its best to just do it in our actual drive way, not on the center of the joining driveways) anyway, he was doing a 3 point turn till his rear wheel slipped down into the lantana bushes and bang he was bloody stuck wasnt he!

I was so pissed, cause I knew the damage he's gotten himself into, these guys grow up to around a small car when they are just mature in age, the leaves are slippery and the vines as I said are thorny and have a poison sting on them. So he's bogged, stuck in the stuff and he's reving the shits out of the rear wheels in his van to get it out. Once he finally realised it didn't work and noticed me not doing anything showing that yes, you are a tool and your bogged, congrats, that we needed to get some stuff to stick under the tire to get it some traction. So we got some palm leaves and shoved them under the wheel, he told me to get on the corner of his van so the weight would plant more tire onto the palm leaves for traction. So I did this and he gets ready and ploughs the accelerator on, suddenly the palm leaves go under the wheel like someone spitting a seed and one slide right across my ankle *sulks* Nothing too serious, just some cuts and bruises.

We worked on this strategy to get him out cause it was the only one working, I was going back and forth behind the van, lantana raking over my body, stinging me to high heaven, finally we got him out, I was itchy from the poison on their thorns, sore from the cuts and my leg hurt. Anyway... he couldnt find the cable, he told me I have no hope getting my cable fixed until they come out and build another cable terminal, which could take 2 weeks. I'm paying for this phoneline so he told me if they dont get it done within a week, call and lodge a complaint with the telecom board and they'll get me something, even a compensation payment, who knows.

So i've have a horrible day with that, though thats not the only problem. I guess this is embaressing, of course when you cause pain or have pain in your genitals its not something you broadcast but fuck it, over the past few days I've had a slight throb in my right ball, I thought I just bruised it, I still think I've done that but I am going to the doctors this week and see what he thinks. I guess if anyone has experience in what problems can be caused in your balls then tell me, I'm freaked cause in the back of my mind I feel it could be something horribly serious like testicle cancer or something. Or I've tangled a few veins or something, just a sharp stabbing pain and soemtimes I feel it throbbing, it does stop now and then, but rarely.

What a dreadful day, wish I got some lovin from my hubby but I understand he's busy, still my sweetheart, damn bad day, well anyway, chat to yas later..
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