Nov 15, 2008 09:44
Wow still behind. Pretty much since this not much has happen. Halloween came and as expected ...many things happen. Mabey not as i had hoped but still heartfelt on the day. Serge and me manged time off and got to see Walks and Kit at there halloween party! Woo! Think it was the first time id been social since well FC. Was a wonderfull party thanks for having us. Everyone was very kind and out going and was a lot of fun. Though i obviously over estimated my personal social limitation. I met many very nicve furs who talked with me quit a lot and it ment a lot but same time triggerd a need in me to be solitary for a little bit. Still it was a very wonderfull time and i want o think them and everyone else. *smirks* and Koinukun! cute in a maid outfit! (hehe i rember i used to call Serge that when i first took japanese!)
YES after 14 years! well 11-12 for me Fallout 3 was FINALLY released! and yes i was a dingus i payer doe the survival package from amazon. (wich bty the pipboy 3k SUCKS battires down like a 2 dollar whore.) Overall ? 8/10 in my opinion. The system is good, the story is good. some random incounters still harken from the old days. Replay totally well going. Howerver what keeps the score from hitting top for me? The camera keeps you from looking yourself over. the radom encounters still lack the slapstick comedy of old (hitchikers guide to the galexy, monty pythos references. etc that reminded us it wasa game and gave a few cheep laughs. Though the 2 random in counters that seem to directly link to mad max and "mel" harken a little curious comedy. :P
and lastly, Perhaps its simply caise of the elderscroll series ive come to love finishing the game and roaming the world still. This game does go back to all fallouts. there IS an end. you live or die and that ends the game. from what i understand. Theres no final quest and see you thers the final uest and games done. start a new one. But that dosent take away from the charm or game play luckly.
Rather than do a third post...ill jut cram it here
Another WOOOO! as of yesterday its not offical ill make MFF! YES! However chances are i WILL not finihs my mask, suit partial or anything. >.> seems ive lost my touch working on these ><. SO plane old bleh boy there. BUT ill be there and thats what matters. Sides i promised a certain someone i care for a lot with a lunch. I wouldnt wana fail in that. I waited wow almost a year to see him and i promised him a free lunch. :) soo hope to see ya there!
And this wraps up my bleated posts, see you again in a few weeks (less i can rember to POST MORE OFTEN! god im bad about that.