Jan 20, 2004 17:28
Theres just no rest for me is there...
School then crew(mistake that was), then i WAS planning to go to joe's to get my tape recorder so i could record the new music for Mike, but my mom fucked that up cuz apperently the roads are a mess.. though i hardly see a mess out there.. on the roads at leasts.. then i have to go to the Backdoor Meeting to see about gettin a show there.. i thought i sumthin else to do.. but now im all fucked up from thinkin about it all and can't remember...ugh.
Poor Jen's having a bad day today too.. my poor baby :-(
Then on top of that, Noelle was all outta whack today.. she wouldnt really talk to me, so i just left her alone. Today wasnt a good day for me to go walk behind her askin her what was wrong. I think me n her can both agree on that one... fuck i dont remember what else i had to do. FUCK!
Whatever.. if it was sumthin important, i'll realize it soon enough.. I know i still havta get to joe's somehow... hmm
I havta call Christina at somepoint tonight too.. she's been havin a rough few days or whatever too.. Oy.. i got to have a good day monday and now its seekin repayment for a missed day of misery now... dammit. I guess it's after everyone else too.. boy O boy.. whatever.. ima go call my dad and let him know about the time change for the backdoor meeting...
I'm Out.