Okay, I suppose I should tell you all about Origins shouldn't I?

Jul 10, 2007 12:33

So, Origins rocked... pretty hard. It started off kinda sucky cause I had no monies for which to buy things, but that was okay cause there wasn't much that I wanted anyway. We got a room connected directly to the main Convention Center which was awesome because I could go and shower/ crash/ whatever whenever I needed. We got there around noon Thursday and practically the first thing I discovered was the Vietnamese restaurant located not a block away from the con. THAT PLACE ROCKED! So hard! The food was fantastic and cheap. I've never eaten so much or so well in my life and I actually managed to get the recipes for a few things from them. Is time for to experiment. I want my Binh mi ga dammit! So nummy... mmmm....

There was a double Smithee awards smithee_awards this year and I went to both of them. During the first one... well.. see.. after last year, me and the people sitting near me started this chant for the worst movie of that year, a movie called "Guns of El Chupacabra" that is your classic call and response. "Chupa!" yells one side followed by the other side yelling "Cabra!" Well I started it up again at the end of the first smithee awards, the one for this year rather then the Mega-Meta Smithees so it was the first time the chant was spoken this year. And about the 3rd "Chupa!" I realized that I was the only one yelling that part, I felt awesome.

Past that, I haded out all 100 pixi stix damn fast this year, I'm thinking about bringing more with me. for those who don't know I bring 100 giant pixi stix with me every year and hand them out, to everyone, venders, kids, cute girls, drunks, anyone who asks, whoever and the people love it and I get approached by people year later, is really cool. I'm also getting good at chucking them like javelins, I can hit a preteen at 20 yards. This practice also helped me land two dates over the course of the con. No spark, but we left as friends. Though it did feel good to just absolutely shut down one guy trying to get his mac on with one girl as I snatched her Friday night right out from under his nose. Then as I'm walking away she turns back to him and asks "Can I help you?"

Played in a few games while there, no really good stories about those so I won't get into the boring details. I might wind up running a few events at AnCon in October so cone by if you're interested. I got to meet a whole bunch of people, I played a whole bunch of games and had a great time. I look forward to GenCon now.
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