Booties always appear and it is clear that what "bootleg" means. I have stumbled upon and I also purchased a bootleg Pokemon Center plush from a local seller, accidentally.
I get a Leafeon Pokemon Center plush (Standing) 2012 and when it arrives, I just noticed that it is a bootleg >.<
Here as the comparison picture to let you know that these are bootlegs, other than the obvious alarms, such as low price and seller location. I can only show this as this is the bootleg plush that I have purchased (around USD 12).
From the image, the Leafeon (L) is a bootleg and the Leafeon (R) is a legit plush where I purchased from Japan sellers through YJ!. (no tag picture as the hang tags are hard to identify which is real or fake from both versions)
Judging them in overall, it is obvious that it is hard to notice which one is real or bootleg for a novice plush collector. Then, look carefully, there will be some points on knowing that is a bootleg. From touching the fabric, i is hard to identify as both plushes are minky. (same material)
1. The bootleg's details are not so detailed compared to the real one. The legs are an example as seen in the image above (it looks the bootleg are having 'some sort of medical problem on the leg', like kneeling/ bending or not stands properly, while the original one is standing)
2. Bootleg plush will have lighter color compared to the original one.
3. Bootleg plush's face is chubbier compared to the original one.
4. Bootleg plush is slightly shorter compared to the original one.
Except that, there are some differences too:
5. The bootleg plush's accessories, for example, Leafeon's chest and leg's leaf should be minky as well, but bootleg have used some sort of lower quality, like cloth/ or plastic-kind materials for the leafs in her body.
As seen in the original one, the materials on the leaf of her chest and legs are flexible, which is also velboa compared to the bootleg.
6. The side view. From here you can see the bootleg's leg is quite weird compared to the original one in bottom.
7. The stitching that the original used is also more compared to the bootleg. Look at the tail of both plushes.
The back of the plush. Stichings from the original is very obvious compared to the bootleg.
From both tags, it is hard to identify which is original or bootleg, while the one on the right is from the bootleg plush. (perhaps it is camera problem too).
Though it is quite sad on getting a bootleg plush (as I first time purchased plush on my country), it is pretty surprisng how the bootleg has slipped in from various ways and guess I need to be extra aware on identifying the plushies (though they say prices and places are an alert but sometimes you will get goodies in a real bargain which also happened to me).