[[Takes place somewhere around the end of January/beginning of February]]
Edgeworth: *Edgeworth is pacing outside the doors of the prison. He makes to enter and then relents. He looks awkward, nervous, indecisive.*
Edgeworth: I don't owe this man anything... *He mutters under his breath.* Nothing. *And yet... He'd been avoiding thinking about the matter for altogether too long. He'd said, 'After the new year' in his comments, but he'd delayed it until much later. He'd finally felt ready to confront this... this... He doesn't even know what Yanni Yogi was to him... Perhaps that is why he's here.*
Edgeworth: *He finally forces himself to walk into the prison house and ask for Yanni Yogi to be brought to the visiting area.*
Yanni: *He'd been expecting this... he didn't think it would take this long, and by no means was he looking forward to it. He tries to keep the truth in mind over years of bitter resentment, and when he walks into the visiting area, he's not hiding behind his doddering facade. He doesn't say anything.*
Edgeworth: *Edgeworth watches fearfully as Yogi enters, his heart beating as he looks into the face of his boyhood bogeyman. He attempts to control himself, but his hands are visibly shaking.*
Yanni: *Yanni sits down, staring at Edgeworth and making note of his discomfort. That's not his fault, he reminds himself. He crosses his arms and stays silent, partly from not knowing what to say and partly because he feels there's nothing he should have to say anymore.*
Edgeworth: *Edgeworth searches his mind for the words he'd been going over in his mind... They differed sharply from the words he'd meant to say as a youth if ever he met Yogi again, those consisting chiefly of 'You bastard, I'll kill you.' But he was an adult now, and things had changed.* I'm sorry to have disturbed you, Mr. Yogi. *he begins, his voice soft and strong.* I know that... you did not want me to come.
Yanni: *Yanni is quiet for some time, trying to think to sort through his emotions for something to say. When he speaks, his voice is clear, although a bit awkward. He's not used to using this tone of voice anymore.* ...I'm just not sure why you wanted to.
Edgeworth: *He gives himself a moment to think.* I- I've realized that most of my life has been consumed by dwelling on the past. Most especially the last few years. I was trying to make sense of what happened... I realized that I could never find the answers I seek... and thereby set my conscience and my father's soul to rest... without first... *He searches vainly for a word to describe the reason he's come here.* ...speaking with you. *He finally finishes.*
Yanni: Last few years, huh. That must have been difficult for you. *He doesn't hide the bitterness in his voice, although he lets it fade for his next words.* What do you want me to say?
Edgeworth: *His heartbeat skips at Yogi's anger, but his face is studiously expressionless.* I initiated contact. You don't have to say anything if you don't want to.
Yanni: *Yanni is quiet in thought for a few moments. He looks down.* Thought you wanted some closure.
Edgeworth: I do. But it's not your responsibility to give it to me. Aside from one event long ago, we're strangers to one another. It is already unfair enough that I am allowed to bring you here.
Edgeworth: I wanted a chance to...
Edgeworth: ...
Edgeworth: *He feels somewhat nauseous now. How is he going to put this into words?*
Edgeworth: *He starts, uncertainly.* I... was destroyed by what happened then. As the years went by, I became angrier and angrier. Angry at you.
Edgeworth: I don't know what I was capable of, then.
Edgeworth: If it had been me... who'd gotten that letter.
Edgeworth: *He trails off, unwilling to say it.*
Yanni: *Yanni has been listening silently, mostly unexpressive although he does look tired. His voice is quiet when he speaks.* You would have killed me, is that what you're getting at? *He pauses, before gesturing to himself with a broken smile.* I'm already dead. You killed me years ago, when you took everything from me. *His voice is shaking.*
Edgeworth: I... I was a child. *His voice is still soft, but there's a note of strength behind it.* I had no idea.
Yanni: It doesn't make much of a difference to be sorry after someone's already dead. *Yanni isn't looking at him anymore, and his voice is getting softer.*
Edgeworth: *He's not surprised at the ire boiling up in him, though he thought he'd be able to control it.* MY someone died too! I lived fifteen years in the shadow of his murderer! *His voice is filled with heat.*
Yanni: *Yanni's eyes grow cold, and his voice slowly grows in volume.* I don't recall you being put on trial for murder, I don't recall you losing your job, your livelihood, your reputation, I don't recall you having to pretend to be something you're not because it was the only way people would believe the truth, I don't recall you losing the person you loved because someone who didn't even know accused you of murder and no one believed you- *Yanni slams one palm against the glass* I don't remember you burning the skin off your fingers in the one place that would hire you because everyone either thought you were a murderer or an idiot, and then getting fired for it anyway because you made them "nervous!" I don't recall you having to read about MY successful career in the newspapers while you were homeless and starving in the streets!
Edgeworth: *Miles looks down, shamed.* I didn't come here to play a game of "who had the more awful life..."
Yanni: *Yanni is still angry, and his eyes are watering* Good, because I don't think you'd win. *His voice cracks at the end of his sentence, and he presses a hand to his forehead. His voice is strained.* I...I just don't know what you want from me. What more could you want from me? This should be over...
Edgeworth: *Edgeworth clenches his fist hard. He didn't mean for it to turn out this way.* It is over, it's over! I don't want a thing from you! I didn't mean for- *He takes a deep breath, trying to keep himself steady.* I... wanted to give something back to you. I don't know why, I-
Edgeworth: It's because I feel indebted to you. No, I AM indebted to you.
Edgeworth: Even though I was a child, in my ignorance I caused your life to be stolen away, when the truth was that both of us were victims.
Yanni: *Yanni stiffens, but he doesn't look Edgeworth in the eyes, keeping a hand pressed to his forehead and his eyes tightly shut. He makes a soft noise, but doesn't say anything.*
Edgeworth: I can do nothing but apologize. There's nothing else I can do. Nothing else to be done. *He looks a tad sad and bitter.* I came here because I wanted you to know that I know now that you and I are more alike than we are different.
Edgeworth: And I thought perhaps even a dead man could find solace in that. I could not let you rest until I told you that, for my own selfish reasons.
Yanni: *Yanni doesn't say anything for a while, trying to think of what to say. His voice is still shaking when he speaks again, and it's soft.* I don't think there's anything I could find solace in anymore. There's nothing left, nothing matters. It's all too late... *Yanni looks up finally, his eyes tired.* I don't understand why my feelings matter to you... what difference does it make? It doesn't change anything important.
Edgeworth: *He stares off, through the grey walls of the prison.* Call it an offering to the fickle Gods of Fate. Any meager happiness I have in this life... it came at the cost of yours. In a purely logical, methodic way, I can't forget that. And... it pains me more than I realized. It changes something. I said it before, I'm coming here selfishly. I feel as though I would have regretted it for the rest of my life if I did not come.
Edgeworth: *He hangs his head very slightly* I apologize for that as well.
Yanni: *Again, Yanni is quiet for a while, before laughing softly and humorlessly* Well, I've gotten kind of used to people using me. Pity's a bit different, though. *There's no venom in his voice, just a quiet resignation. He sighs.* I don't believe... *he trails off, twisting a hand in the front of his shirt, and then says nothing*
Edgeworth: Finish your thought, please. *Edgeworth's voice is inscrutable, though his eyes are looking at Yogi levelly.*
Yanni: *Yanni's voice is quiet, and there's no malice.* I don't believe you're sorry. For this. *Yanni gestures vaguely at their surroundings.* Right now. You still get what you want, and you can walk out of here... *his thoughts sound a bit disjointed* You said yourself you came here for a selfish reason... I don't really believe you being sorry about it.
Edgeworth: I did. And you're right, I'm not sorry that you're in here. It's my job not to be sorry that you're in here and I do that job well. *He feels a bit of the old anger creeping up and he presses it back down. He keeps his voice steady.* You committed a crime, and that's why you're here. I can only apologize for the things that are my responsibility.
Yanni: I know why I'm in here. I take responsibility for that. *There's a coldness in Yanni's eyes.* I made that decision. I meant you... visiting here. I don't believe you're sorry for coming here, since in the end you get what you want either way. You get your closure and leave, and that's as far as it goes.
Edgeworth: ....Oh.
Edgeworth: *He looks a tad guilty.* Perhaps. I wouldn't dream of denying that. I had hoped it would prove of some benefit to you as well, but it is more and more seeming as though it was a false hope.
Yanni: *Yanni eyes him, and is quiet for a little while* ...What good could you do for me? *His tone sounds as though he's asking himself the same question. He shakes his head.* There's not a lot of good anyone can do me now.
Edgeworth: *Edgeworth purses his lips.* I'm not sure. I honestly have very limited contacts with the prison... for good reason... *He fidgets slightly.* But I do know a young court bailiff who seems to be inordinately well-connected here.
Edgeworth: He brings gifts for some of the inmates. If there's anything you want or... *He fixes Yanni with a sympathetic look.* Anyone who's bothering you...
Yanni: *Yanni narrows his eyes.* ...not sure any bailiff would do what I want to von Karma. Even if he deserves it. *His voice is thick with hatred, which fades with a sigh and a few confused blinks* Gifts... what kind of gifts do you mean?
Edgeworth: *Edgeworth gets a lump in his throat. He's not sure if it's because of the mentioning of his mentor's name, or a feeling of kinship at the hatred in Yanni's voice.* Well, I don't know. Something that reminds you of home, perhaps. The bailiff delivered snacks, mostly. I doubt the guards would mind overlooking a few comforts.
Yanni: *Yanni sits and thinks for a while, and when he speaks his voice is soft* ...I want Polly. *He's silent for a moment, staring at his hands, then looks up, his voice strengthening.* My bird, my Polly, I want- can you get me Polly? She's all I have left, she's everything to me... *There is a wounded tinge in his voice, a double meaning as perhaps unintended as it is*
Edgeworth: Your... *At first he's taken aback, and worried that the old man has finally gone a bit too far into his part. But as Yanni goes on, Edgeworth remembers the bird.* Oh, I... I'm not sure. *He concentrates. It might be a bit difficult to arrange, but..* I think that can be made possible. *He says slowly.*
Edgeworth: *He thinks.* Have any of the other inmates... Do any of them have pets?
Yanni: *Yanni fairly lights up at the prospect of getting his bird back, and does an extremely poor job of hiding it* I don't really know if they do or not... never heard any of 'em mention it, yup. *His momentary accidental lapse into his fake self causes him to start slightly and shake his head.* Polly's used to being with me everywhere I go, I know I could take care of her even in some place like this... she wouldn't be a bother, I know it. *His voice is pleading now, almost desperate.*
Edgeworth: *He can't do anything but say yes.* Of course. I will do anything I can to make you more comfortable. I can't imagine being separated from.. That is... *He looks away.* Birds live quite a long time, don't they? It shouldn't be too much trouble to track her down, Mr. Yogi. I'll do- *He wants to say what he can, but he knows he'll make this a personal mission out of guilt if nothing else.* I'll do it. I'll find her.
Yanni: *Yanni nods, now focused more on Polly than anything else* Parrots can live a real long time... about as long as we do, sometimes. Maybe longer. *He stops when he considers his words, and he forces himself to speak, that same wounded tone now more clear* She's the only real friend I have left, I... I just can't lose her again. *That was unintentional, and it shows on his face* If you can bring her back to me, I... *He's not sure how to finish that sentence.*
Edgeworth: *He realizes the import of the slip, and is slightly taken aback. He nods sadly.* If I can... perhaps you could consider it a small gesture towards repaying the insurmountable debt I have to you. *He chuckles wanly.* You owe me nothing, Mr. Yogi. I will scour the records and keep you updated on the progress of tracking down your friend. *He retrieves a business card from his wallet and slips it under the divider.* Here. Take this as a token of my promise.
Yanni: *He's conflicted, but not enough to convince him that there's anything more important than this. He takes the card slowly and nods, not quite sure of what to say. He struggles for a few moments, starting several words and not finishing them, but eventually just subsides into awkward silence*
Edgeworth: *Edgeworth twitches with nervous energy. Now that he has a goal that's more concrete than meeting with Yogi, he feels anxious to get to it.* Again, I apologize for having distressed you by asking you here. I will do this favor for you and then I will leave you in peace.
Yanni: *Yanni is staring at the card like it'll disappear at any moment. He nods again, mouth opening and closing a few times before managing a quiet* ...Okay.
Edgeworth: *He rises, feeling utterly awkward.* I'll go now. *He stares hard at Yanni.* I know you have no reason to trust me, Mr. Yogi. But I will do this for you.
Edgeworth: It may take some time, but I will.
Yanni: *Yanni nods again, but still does not look up. He keeps his eyes on the card. His voice is again very soft and completely honest.* I hope so.
Edgeworth: *His heels making very sharp sounds, Edgeworth leaves the now-stifling visiting room. He settles his back very gently against the door, wiping the cool sweat off his face with the back of his hand. He presses his fist against his forehead for one long moment, then moves on, worried that the guards will take Yanni out of the room in time to see him.*
Yanni: *Yanni sits, staring at the card, until a guard comes to take him back to his cell. Still struggling through dozens of conflicting emotions, he settles on the more pleasant hope that he might get Polly back, and tries to forget about the rest.*