Status update

Nov 21, 2006 13:33

I’ve got nothing better to do. Might as well post the stories Kat’s currently considering working on... Or, those that she's BEEN working on...

SG-1/AtLA crossover: Currently no title ideas (no surprises there, the miniChris are still AWOL), but Kat’s been considering this for a while. Given that SG-1 is one of the most Crossover-able universes out there, I’m not surprised. The idea so far is basically that SG-1 exists in one universe, and AtLA exists in another that runs parallel to theirs. SG-1 manages to open a connection to the AtLA universe and are promptly trapped there. That’s about it so far.
Project heads: Shinnouhi-sama and Ael-chan.

Harry Potter/Dresden Files crossover: This one’s old, but it begs to be written. When Kat mentioned this to Ael-chan, Ael-chan suggested that Harry Potter and Harry Dresden would be one and the same in the story. So I think that’s what Kat wants to do. Now she needs an overall plot and a baddie, but for the moment she’s focusing on Heart’s Discord.
Project head: Nefertiri

Auriga-Capella: We had this one all plotted out and EVERYTHING, and what happens? Kat forgets about it. She’s expressed the desire to get working on it, but somehow lacks motivation. I need to get her to a scifi convention or something, that might motivate her. Hell, Renfest inspired HD. Anyway, the story entails Earth’s imminent destruction and the search for a new homeworld for the human race. Which the aliens around us desire not. Intrigue and betrayals ensue.
Project Head: Heka

Legacy: Seems to be seeing a little motivation, but not much thereof. AtLA and HD rule all at the moment. A Japanese teenager vacations to Egypt and discovers her own ability to use Egyptian magic while there. Meanwhile, her boyfriend is possessed by a demon. MMM, DRAMA.
Project Head: Heka

SG-1/SWKotOR Crossover: Independant from Powerlust, mind. It begs to be written too, but Ael-chan says to wait until her Authorself finishes the Plotkraken to start planning. Bummer.
Project Heads: Ael-chan and Revan

Powerlust: Oh, what a project. I’m glad I whacked her over the head with this one, it’s become quite the monster. SG-1/SW/SWKotOR all rolled into one, complete with six installments (In true Star Wars style), Jedi!Daniel, Sith!Daniel, Jedi!Sam, Revan/Anakin, an alternate universe, 100_situations fics, unnofficial fanart100 collection, episode tags by Ael, and much much more. Currently on hiatus due to lack of motivation, though. ><
Project heads: Ael-chan and Revan

The Heat of the Future’s Glow: FMA/SWKotOR. I liked this one too, but it’s not seeing much progress lately.
Project Heads: Revan and FullMetal

Heart’s Discord: The only thing that’s truly seeing progress. Currently working on plot points. Half-demon merc ends up in a huge mess when she’s sent after a demonic artifact.
Project Head: Heka.

More updates to ensue, but later on. >.>

muse:ael-chan, genre:science fiction, story type:plot bantha, muse:mini-chris, genre:oc-centric fanfiction, challenge:100_situations:powerlust, muse:yami-sama, muse:heka, challenge:fantart100:powerlust, category:full metal alchemist, category:originals, general:challenges, story type:plot krayt dragon, process:conceptual work, muse:fullmetal, muse:darth revan, category:avatar the last airbender, story type:plot gizka, category:crossovers, muse:nefertiri, story type:plot zombie

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