Aug 21, 2005 22:04
LJ hasn't thrown me off for, like, two hours now.
It's seems to take me back... *sniffs*
Yesterday night, I finally got Michael to change some options in our WLAN firewall, and, lo and behold - both LJ and some other pages actually let me surf them again.
Took only 8 months of nagging and weeping and complaining (and his urgent need to have me send him some money via online banking to his bank account) to get him do that.
Toby, your guess was spot on (though I suppose you don't even remember it any more. Must have been back in Jan/Feb.). Thanx.
What more's new?
My company is strongly working towards killing me off. I only try to keep my head up until September, when I can finally go on vacation. Don't know what's going to happen after that, though - besides, it can't go on like that any more. It just can't.
And there's a slight, tiny, wishful-thinking-like chance that Michael might get the chance to get a project in Japan. Just on the other side of the Tokyo bay.
I'm so envious.
Rikutsu ja nai. ::shifts glasses::