My week in numbers:
Christmas cards started: 3
Christmas cards finished: 0
Bags of chocolate chips purchased to make christmas cookies: 1
Bags of chocolate chips eaten while watching TV: 1
Christmas cookies made: 0
Rooms of my apartment cleaned: 1 out of 4
In conclusion: OMG I fail so hard at life /o\
Instead of being productive I watched 500 Days of Summer (hated the story but *__* JGL), 13 going on 30 and the entire first season of community because of
this vid which makes me grin with glee even after the 50th rewatch.
Speaking of vids, that super awesome HP vid set to Marchin' on? Makes me want to read so much epic Trio fic. Does anyone happen to have recs? It was never a pairing I was into when HP was my big fandom so I'm a little lost on where to even start looking.