Title: A Gift from Above
Author: Milena D.
Rating: T for now
Genre: Romance/Action/Adventure, etc. Daniel/Vala all the way ;)
Summary: Something went wrong and they’ve paid for it.
Author’s Note: Before reading this chapter, I would suggest rereading
Chapter 4 because the flashback is relevant to this chapter
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Why does that turn me on?
Lol! Judging by your LJ title, I get the feeling it doesn't take too much ;)
Mitchell is the funnest character to write dialog for, EVAR!!!! Lovely Team moments all 'round.
RIGHT!? I feel so much more comfortable writing him, I always look forward to it :P
This is exactly what bothered me about erasing Cam's false memory in "Collateral Damage".
Ditto. Unless you wipe everything at all pertaining to everything that happened, you're going to have a big question mark nagging at you forever and ever...
Oh, the plotbunnies this inspires! The PORNO cartridge! If it were me instead of Daniel, I'd've been watching that cartridge ALL the time. ;-D
*iz so very shamed at not having thought of that* Dude. Although technically since the memories are from her point of view, he would only have seen himself mostly :P Could freak him out :P
Where's that blunt force trauma when ya need it, huh? I totally understand Vala wanting to whump Daniel earlier.
Agreed! And at the risk of sounding schizophrenic, I was actually yelling at Vala to shut the frak out and throw herself at him *while* I was typing all her hedging around :P
Aw, this is so sweet! Although you didn't write the porn, Imma summarize the next few hours:
Hour 1: Frantic, fumbling sex.
Hour 2: Talking, laughing, cuddling.
Hour 3: Slow, awesome, prolonged sex followed by falling asleep in each other's arms.
Hour 6: Shower delayed by wild monkey sex in several unusual positions.
Hour 7: Realization that Daniel should've fetched condoms from his room.
I couldn't! :P I thought about it for a long while but inevitably I just couldn't go through the facepalming like last time, not with this fic :P I'm loving your itinerary though, totally the way I would have wanted it to happen ;)
as if she could single-handedly bring him paradise
Gorgeous phrase.
Thank you! :D People have been mentioning that line, I didn't expect it to get so much love :D
Ya know the grand fortune of all this? Your writing's improved since the hiatus after Chapter 5. The narrative's tighter. I hadn't left comments on this story when I first encountered it last autumn because it rambled a little and didn't seem to point to a powerful resolution beyond the paternity "reveal", especially since it's obvious (from the D/V label) that Daniel's the Baby Daddy.
That's...pretty much one of the best compliments I've ever gotten ^_^ My lack of faith in my writing style was a big part of why I just couldn't find motivation in writing anymore, I felt like I was just spinning my wheels and getting deeper and deeper off-course from where I wanted to be. This time around I really just wanted to finish it as best I could for the readers so I focused more on the story content than the style so maybe that helped :D
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