Title: Misappropriation of Lives
Author: Milena D.
Rating: T+ for now
Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Action/Romance, etc. Daniel/Vala eventually
SPOILERS: Prometheus Unbound (8x12), Insiders (10x04), Threads (8x18) for Jacob, uhh Dominion (10x19) I guess but not really.
Disclaimer: Own my plot, that’s it!
Summary: The past will always find you, especially if you
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That was a well done line, and its true, none of them are really big talkers about the crap that occurs in their lives.
Got to say that the Daniel and Vala moments in this chapter were all great. Particularly liked the fact that neither of them could sleep comfortably without the others presence. And Daniel's confession of his fears of losing her or that she wasn't really there was well done.
Plus the confession of love from the two of them is nicely done. Love the spontanuity of it, specially when neither thought it was the right time to say it. So the two of them falling into it was great.
Personnaly I think its great that Daniel's presence has such a calming influence on Vala. Considering what she's gone through, I would have thought she'd be going for craving physical contact to not wanting any. Specifically not wanting any sexual contact, considering Ba'al forced himself on her. The fact that she can reciprocate Daniel's affections, just goes to show that her feelings run deep.
Anyways looking forward to seeing what happens at the fair. I can imagine its not going to be too much fun for Vala, as I'll bet that the sight of children will trigger some nasty memories.
I'm so glad you liked the confession scene, I reworked it sooo much to make it sound more natural :S not sure how well I succeeded but I'm happy you enjoyed it! ^_^
What she went through with Ba'al, despite his involvement in her nightmare in this chapter, will actually only come to light in the next chapter. But I think it's a known thing now that Vala is a master compartmentalizer, really able to separate herself from her emotions and memories...at least that's what I was trying to get across ^_^
Thanks so much for your review!!
Got to admit though, pretty much all of season 10 was pretty much "heavy" where it concerns Vala.
And good point about the compartmentalizer aspect of Vala's personality.
Oh by the way, been working on my stories, hopefully I'll have something going up on ffnet soon. That is if it actually starts working properly again.
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