I finished watch Bones today and OMG! I love those squints!
Brenna is so cool, a captivating character, her lack of social skills, makes the show much more funny and light. The show is not brilliant as House, but I adored, it was a great pastime in my winter vacations.
I love all the seasons, but season 2 is my favorite.
The baby storyline in the end of season four SO.MUCH.WIN. And sick Booth, I just love when someone in my ships get sick, I know is cliche and all, but those plots have so munch potential and always end up in cute scenes.
Now I have to wait until September 17 to know what will happened with B&B and why Booth can't remember Brennan.
And this is Brenna playing with a baby:
Click to view
One more thing:
206_bones is the most amazing community I've seen, they have everything a fan needs.