Mouse Update

Sep 08, 2008 19:54

We offically chased/murdered/ traped those little fuckers and they haven't been back since. It took me a while to fall asleep in silence rather than to the pitter patter of their feet as they tap dance on my face. We then hosted our home to fleas courtesy of my kittens Kiki & Momi - luckily we sussed that out qucikly, de-fleaed the cats - to their horror and exterminated the place and now we are pest free. Well apart from the kittens, they still live...

I've just had an Inu Yasha marathon ( an anime series for the ignorant folks who don't know) of 6 episodes back to back, it's getting good - me thinks Sesshamorou is turning a little human/nice now! My favourite character is Quilala naturally - cute fire cat demon :) Yaay! Sango's pretty cool but her bomerang got cracked into two so she's pretty useless at the moment.

I better go and check my poupee for any last minute comments then go have a late dinner, potatoes & cabbage mmmmmmm! Laterz folks

fleas, kittens, inu yasha, mice, exterminators

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